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05/29/08 6:00 PM

#17509 RE: asuhowe #17507

Thanks very much for posting those scenarios asuhowe!!!

Of course I like number 1 the most but I guess I'd have no choice but to settle for #2, but with the luck we've had numbers 3&4 are'nt out of the realm of possibility.

Under scenario #2 I might take a bit off the table since I'm out of dry powder and need to put money to work elsewhere in some other stocks I own. I would hold onto most of my shares looking for the bigger POP to $2.

My conference call for FRPT seemed to go well since it is up nicely in AH. Talk about heartbreak!!! Look at the 52 week chart!!! I got in because it was so beat up and am looking for some quick money, but there are people who bought in at the high and averaged down thinking they were getting a bargain at $18? This is also a stock where people own many shares. My average price is in the $3's so I might be ok and make some money.

Of course I also bought into SHLD at it's high because of Cramer but I got out with a $30 per share loss--- some are approaching a $100 per share loss today.

The market is a humbling place. It can also be rewarding-- I'm just hoping to someday be handsomely rewarded yet even under the best case scenario--- it does'nt appear that COR will be the stock to do it?

Thanks again and good luck!!! JD
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05/29/08 7:34 PM

#17513 RE: asuhowe #17507

Asuhowe, why back off so early, at the brink of greater reward. Financing and dilution can be done positively with regard to SP, with the right partner, once human RD benefit is demonstrated with analgesia preservation. R+R will not be involved. I know it has been disastrous so far, for most of us, but......

My positive expectations are for the first three.

1) Cor drifts up to 1 in June cautiously anticipating positive RD outcome,

2) then doubles on a positive signal from the first RD study.

3) BP interest is tweaked and deal is inked with data from the second RD trial late in July. Stock doubles again as 30 million shares are offered to the partnering pharma, allowing Cor to finance the future. (Step 3 could occur overnight with simultaneous release of the second RD data and partnering anouncement)

4) So the best may be yet to follow, but that would be another level of risk, entailing tangling with the FDA again, but with BP support.

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05/29/08 7:47 PM

#17515 RE: asuhowe #17507

If RD goes well, I don't think there's much chance for a buyout. I think the people at cor value their IP well above what would translate into a $4 shareprice. I think they will partner, and use the funds to pursue other indications and bring a high-impact to the clinic. Based on Lynch's recent patent, I think they see broad disease-altering potential in the high-impacts, and if they're confident that their high-impact can get through toxicology and works, I think they're probably thinking more in terms of a $40 share-price. All this to say that I don't think cor management is looking to sell the company unless they absolutely have to.

Even if RD goes badly, they may want to struggle on via financings rather than walk away from worthless stock options.