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05/15/08 9:58 AM

#17789 RE: Redwinger #17779

"Muhlenberg County has designated $625,000.00 from its Coal Severance Allotment Program to the joint partnership between Kentucky Fuel Associates, Inc. and Fuel Frontiers, Inc.,"

WOW, How about THAT!?

What happens to the 625k if the do NOT recieve a STATE GRANT for 2.5Million...
...Oh here it is, I found it..

The COURT who ISSUED the 625k funds will USE the 625k funds to renovate the COURTHOUSE! OK, so NOW we need one of you guys on the ground to see if they have picked out the curtains for the courthouse.. Call around and see if any contractors have drawn plans for courthouse renovations and we JUST might see if this was simply a bait and switch tactic from 'local government' to release yet ANOTHER fluffy piece of 'news' to get shareholders to bite..

I'm not drawing a clear opinion here, just an hypothesized conspiracy..

'Expect the best, prepare for the worst'..


Bill Link & Excerpts of Kentucky HB 410..

This is the link below of the bill that 5Years mentioned anyway..

Excerpt: (from line item 17)

017. Muhlenberg County Fiscal Court - KY Fuel Associates, Inc. for Design/Engineering of Coal-To-Diesel Plant to be located in Muhlenberg County. If KFA does not receive a State Grant for $2.5 Million, this Allocation Shall Revert to Muhlenberg County Fiscal Court for Courthouse Renovations.
Restricted Funds -0- 625,000 -0-