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05/01/08 4:38 PM

#102509 RE: justfrank #102508

Lovely, just lovely!


05/01/08 4:52 PM

#102512 RE: justfrank #102508

Nice find!2 crooks +3 more.EOM


05/01/08 4:52 PM

#102513 RE: justfrank #102508

No one should be surprised.


05/01/08 4:55 PM

#102514 RE: justfrank #102508

And who was GTEM's legal counsel while all this went down?


05/01/08 5:03 PM

#102517 RE: justfrank #102508

Now we have a "Top 5 Most Wanted" list!


05/01/08 5:51 PM

#102528 RE: justfrank #102508


Do you have an opinion on what will happen to these shares?
Will GTEM get these shares back?
This story is not over yet!
More heads will roll.



05/01/08 6:01 PM

#102531 RE: justfrank #102508

Huff gets off with a $30,000.00 fine what a freeken joke!


05/01/08 7:52 PM

#102574 RE: justfrank #102508

Good DD, justfrank - thank you.

Props to those that felt this thing ran deeper than Joe and Luis. I had hoped that the problem was isolated to them, but now I see the truth.

So Huff and Lynch strike a deal - 30K from Huff and neither can hold an Officer position in a publicly traded company for 5 years - nice deal. O'Fallon can rest now they know Huff can move on and Trimax can continue to operate with Lynch on board - oh joy. Getting these folks out of the Globetel offices was a good idea and everyone probably saw it coming months ago.

Do you think Joe and Luis might be a little irritated with ongoing litigation while Huff and Lynch are conducting business?

Now.....what about Jiminez and Globetel? What sort of penalties and fines do we have to look forward too? It's not like we should be surprised by this since we knew about getting the Well's notice. The severity of the penalty should be disclosed in the 10-K correct? Is this what the auditors were waiting on? The timing seems too coincidental.

As was stated many moons ago, having a judgement is a sign that GTEM can now move forward. What will be left to move, though?

Are they bringing Sanswire back to the US in the form of Sanswire Corporation because the coast is clear?

What profits are there to disgorge?

What about those preferred stock placements?

Possibilities for delisting?

Never a dull moment.


05/02/08 3:05 AM

#102613 RE: justfrank #102508

Thanks a lot Frank! Watchdog SEC is in the kennel and "dog GTEM" is still there, inside. Somebody, somewhere owns this dog and wants it to be SEC compliant.

But WHY? ---------- Self preservation, greed and adrenaline rush, staying power, pay back, strategic vision, love for the dog...

We know a lot about the dog, very little about the master(s) and their real intentions.

The dog has (so far) survived the clean up process, if and when we get the financials we will get a chance to see what is left of this dog.

A shadow of its former self, greatly diminished, convalescing, in need of (cash) infusion, barely able to walk, but what a dog!

Not what about the real master(s) behind????

The only dim light at the end of the tunnel is Bernard TAO.

Anybody willing to shed light on the masters?

Rocky, Mailman, Lowtrade where are you?

Merlin are we in the hands of the Grove? Elbit? Chinese Malay? Illuminati? Mossad? DOD?

I am amazed at this dog and I have come to love it.

PS: End of April, wrote a mail to IR Rob and got no reply back. Guess his system is down too. GLTUA!!!