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02/16/08 10:04 AM

#22743 RE: stratocasterca #22742

That last line of yours rings so true...

If Chelsea was over there selling girl scout cookies or shaking her ass, they'd be pinning medals all over her flat chest and invite her to every talk show that would have her. Hell, they'd probably even find her a compatible man in the process. But the Senator's Son, on the other hand, went over there and got 'er done without me even finding out about it until today. Me, being a headline grabber, that really does speak volumes. And I've always been a huge fan of underdogs and watersports.

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02/17/08 10:18 AM

#22745 RE: stratocasterca #22742


You're all FIENDS I tell ya.





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02/17/08 10:34 AM

#22746 RE: stratocasterca #22742

Obama Pushes for Higher Investment Taxes
September 19, 2007 03:02 PM ET | James Pethokoukis | Permanent Link

As part of his "Tax Fairness for the Middle Class" plan, Barack Obama is in favor of nearly doubling the capital-gains tax rate from 15 percent to 28 percent.

All I know is that as a daytrader I had to pay taxes on my gains as 'normal income' and at the going rate for my tax matter how much or how little I'd made.

Obama will exempt the first $50k from those taxes! YAY I SAY!

And why oh why should big money, who's sole and/or main income is strictly from capital gains not be subject to the same rate of taxation as us little guys?

Realize that 'capital gains' and 'income taxes' are two separate animals. Big money PAYS NO INCOME TAXES(aka PAYROLL TAXES).

That's why Warren Buffet pays a lower rate than his secretary and has put out a challenge to all CEOs to prove that they pay as much or more taxes than THEIR SECRETARIES. There's been no CEO who's stepped forward to take the challenge!