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02/16/08 1:21 PM

#22744 RE: RedneckInvestor #22743

yep, chelsea is now "in". for years they carefully shielded her from being a focus of the press, declaring she had a right to privacy. but now she has started campaigning, and once you turn into a public figure, there is no turning back.

Chelsea was the kind of child that is normally kept indoors and out of sight, so that she wouldn't get teased constantly about being uglier than shit on a stick. I never made fun of her, as she didn't ask to be born that way. but now, she has put herself in the spotlight--- so it's open season. Through a cruel trick of nature, she resembles both her parents, and managed to express the worst of both of them in one face.

Had she been my child, i would have knocked her in the head and fed the milk to the cats, right after birth, as is done with any cull in a litter. She is so ugly that they have to select visually impaired Secret Service agents to guard her, as the ones that can see normally end up laughing everytime she walks into a room, and that is tough on her self-esteem, which is a bedrock Democratic value.

She probably also inherited her father's sex drive, which is typical of women that look like that; they're the ones that tend to fall in love every few hours, much to anyone's chagrin unless they haven't been laid in months and are roaring drunk.

I wouldn't even do her with Josh's dick.
B. Hussein Obama probably wouldn't even do her, even though he thinks all white women look alike except the ones with big booties, which, when he spots one, elevates the cadence of his sing-song speeches.

Chelsea is now in Hawaii-- the thought of that pasty white body being fried in the sun in a lumpy bikini is enough to make me want to stop writing this garbage about her, as i nearly have to take Dramamine to even ponder the topic of Chelsea.

Chelsea is one weapon the Clinton's should never have drawn.