Copied this off RB QBID board..good post, IMO..
10 Mar 2004, 08:58 PM EST
Msg. 149330 of 149346
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Although QBID and EDIG are to different companies,but they have the same momentum potential..EDIG in the year 2000 was the hottest penny stock around that went from pennies to dollars and I mean dollars...EDIG had what was hot in technology platform for digital video, music/voice, voice/video and player/recorders.That field was explosive and the company yielded superb returns for shareholders,but like all pennystocks,this company came apart and is back to the ground floor without much to show for it..If you placed this in your sockdrawer and came back to see it now you would be surprised to see the high around $20.00+ and this came from pennies..
Now we have QBID and the ever promising G/L channel.Even though this company had launch failures and other setbacks,the time for this venue is now politicaly correct and Americans,folks world over appear to have accepted this alternative lifestyle as part of civil society..If this company can launch their cable cahnnel without a hitch,we very well could see a price range of well over $4.00 within weeks of the announcement..
Here is what I see within the next month or so..On or about May 1st the company will get their launch date,but this is actually the signal or feed..Between now and then,it is conceivable that by the time the feed is on, QBID will be trading at about .20 to .35..So I expect within the next couple of weeks we will trade at .01 to .05..After they get the feed and start their programing,which probably will be within weeks, the company will trade well over $4.00
Now, I may be over zealous,but I feel after just what has transpired over the last few months with respect of the gay community getting much attention without real public outcry for their marriages by radical judges and mayors, their time has come and this cable channel can be huge with the proper marketing..
This is on the same lines as BET,Lifetime,Discovery and a whole slew of other cable channels,this one just happens to be a gay channel.
Yes folks, I think we have here another EDIG of 2004.
Hold this one,but don't put it away...
Have a good day