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Replies to post #1570 on CASH COW

Replies to #1570 on CASH COW
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03/10/04 10:31 PM

#1571 RE: DAVE_007 #1570

Hitting the far as tomorrow goes, don't know if I'll buy hold or sell QBID...may put in order in eaarly morning to sell some at .0039ish and some at .0044ish..some at .0049ish..heck who knows..I'll have to sleep on it..

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03/10/04 10:33 PM

#1572 RE: DAVE_007 #1570

That would be sweet!!!! IF QBID ever gets to
$4....We all be millionaires.
IMO .. Any sign of that this gonna launch...
.04-.05 very possible.
But ...hearing from longtime(atleast year or more)share holders
They(QBID) tried and tried .....over and over..

But,this time could be true?...hope so..very much.