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10/20/07 7:12 PM

#15503 RE: Uncle Meatball #15501

meatball you will be getting shares in the new listing on a
share exchange of the old phgi, so you will have shares in the present company and the new otcbb listing, also there is a cnq listing to happen too with uranium propetys and a canadian mining company, If you want to be a part of this you need to buy in now or get left behind, the current phgi will have the radio stations and a new name I beleave.
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Ryan Industries

10/20/07 7:19 PM

#15504 RE: Uncle Meatball #15501

meatball, perihelion shareholders will receive an interest in the new shell companies. the company has PR'd this. it is not exactly clear what the exchange/dividend ratios are yet, but i obviously expect the company to announce them in advance of any action, so shareholders can consider them and act accordingly. i wholly disagree with any opinions that these deals will leave the existing pinksheet holders high and dry; i actually think the opposite.

the company is looking to acquire 2 OTC:BB shells. it is my belief the the value for existing shareholders will actually improve with these transactions. let's face it - within this pinksheet, the company is valued levels in no way reflective of the revenue potential the mine and biofuel plants have. within a reporting company, our assets can be fairly valued on paper, ending the speculation (and often subsequent fear) about them.

for example, and please dont hold me to this because im not an accountant, but i think the mine is going to be worth at bare minimum of what the company paid for it. if there's a note or something attached to the purchase, then it zeroes each other out. keep in mind the present market capitalization of the common is far less than the purchase price of the mine alone.

+$2.5M mine asset
-$2.5M note debt(?)

in that instance, as long as the mine produces something, it's a win for shareholders (creates positive equity). since we know that the mine's raw asset value is worth exponentially more than the purchase price, it's reasonable to conclude that any production will have a lasting and accreditive effect on shareholders.

** THIS IS NOT AN OPINION TO BUY OR SELL SECURITIES. I am a compensated consultant to Perihelion Global and have been compensated 1,060,000 rule144 restricted shares as well as 15,000 free-trading shares (via John Beebe) for consulting services that include, but is not limited to, press release composition and distribution, website design and maintenance, website application development, and coverage on PQL Research websites. I have intent to sell any non-restricted shares (both purchased and compensated), whether for a profit or a loss, at any time, and for any reason. I have previously bought and sold open-market shares of this security. To date, I have sold approximately 15,000 compensated shares. Nothing I post on public message forums is to be construed as anything other than speculation, and investors are cautioned that I have an inherent bias in my viewpoints and opinions about the company. As a consultant for not only Perihelion, but for other public companies, my views and opinions do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Perihelion Global, its management, or its shareholders. I am not qualified to render an investment opinion whatsoever and investors should only rely on historically-proven and factual information contained in public press releases and/or filings released by the company for accurate information and representations regarding the company.