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09/18/07 9:41 PM

#9195 RE: SPIN #9193

SPIN, The recent SB-2 should be enough to keep the doors open unless Cornell withdrew their offer. However the recent turn of events with the CFO having a felony charge outstanding makes me wonder how these guys even made it as far as they have.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone filed a lawsuit regarding fraudulent PR's based on the PR about the .40 cents a share as it was never disclosed in that PR that there was a minimum bid the company needed to be at for this convenant to apply. I would think Cornell is at fault too as they should have disclosed this as well.

This is total speculation on my part.



09/19/07 10:19 AM

#9208 RE: SPIN #9193

Truthfully, bankruptcy would surprise me for the simple reason that I'd think Walt would lose the $1 million in assets he pledged for the SBA loan. I can't imagine he'd be pleased about that tho I must admit it might give me the warm & fuzzies.