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09/08/07 6:57 PM

#21131 RE: davidam #21126


thanks for the info. I don't know much about their business model but the expected revenue is quite remarkable. It appears to me that these contracts include a service component and therefore these management fees are a continuous revenue stream. Nice.


09/09/07 4:33 AM

#21148 RE: davidam #21126

David that is quite the enlightening post.

If ECN is the majority shareholder of MCCY, then they
in fact not only own MCCY, but control it as well.
As evidenced in their using the two top officials of MCCY to
head up their new division in Calgary.
What credibility, why not put it to good advantage.
It must have been a deal they could not turn down.
You say MCCY controls all revenues. Please clarify this, as it
would appear that ENC who is the controlling entity controls not only the revenue but contracts and personel of MCCY.
AS evidenced by our top two officials following owners orders, to set up the new monitoring division that ECN also controls in Calgary. Why not include it in MCCY.
Simple, two scores instead of one great one.
It looks like ECN can do as they please. Divide and conquer, well, as we all know there is only so much time in one day.
Let us pray that they do not transfer other holdings out of MCCY. Sound business dictates that they should not, however, other sound businesses such as Markland Technologies with U.S. government contracts did just that and left their shareholders with a .003 price. Nice guys and got away with it. Be forewarned. It is a pinky and these guys can do as they please.

I do not want to make light of your positive post, however it would appear that it is truly ECN not MCCY that controls all.
If ECN is above board and creditable we should do well, if they are out to manipulate us we are in trouble as this is a pink sheet stock as they are well aware.
Clarifications are in order from both ECN and MCCY, not moderators. Divide and conquor does just that with empires.
If everything is above board and honest our stock will move in accordance. Hate to see our top two gents splitting their precious time on two focuses and a province apart.
Nice move ECN.
Show us what you are all about, we are listening.

And David thank you for your positive outlook. Lets keep an honest outlook for our brother and sister shareholders.