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09/05/07 3:59 PM

#562853 RE: marginnayan #562852

I have not switched from my Treo...granted the internet sucks on it. But then again I don't use it primarily for internet use.
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Paul A

09/05/07 6:08 PM

#562861 RE: marginnayan #562852

Gotta disagree- I think that any weakness in the iphones will be more then made up for with increasing sales of the computer line which is extremely overpriced and nice fat margins unlike all the other box makers.. I actually heard Cramer mention this last night which was a big negative for me (I dont like the man, and when he agrees with something I have thought of it raises red flags as he is a true bottom feeder and only shares what he knows well after its too late).. but I do believe hes right about Apple for the next 2-3 quarters at least..

but.. I know alot of people hate Apple simply because they make huge margins, and a true tech nut can find the same quality for much cheaper.. but Steve Jobs is one of the few big boys on the street that actually has consistently proven himself to be a force- and I see no reason to believe this is going to change, err of course a lousy economy which is headed our way wont help but geesh.. what does a man have to do in order to prove its wise putting your money on him?

Still have a hard time understanding why people are so bent on shorting/betting against the best of breed.. Been doing this professionally for over 10 years and it still boggles my mind.. So much pure junk out there that shouldnt even be trading- like most of these solar stocks which are absolute junk.. but then again I wouldnt be making the money I am if not for this mentallity.. sorta like a sport- short the likes of GOOG, RIMM, AAPL.. go long FSLR, FXI or whatever else is a bubble and being talked about by all the heads on tv.. Is this a sport or about making money? Maybe I have it wrong?? oh well..
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federal reserves

09/05/07 6:36 PM

#562864 RE: marginnayan #562852

iPhone Users got Jobbed!

I didn't buy an iPhone but if I would have I guess I would be pissed at the fast decline in price (1/3). Will more price declines follow? Nobody likes to buy in a declining market.

IMHO these Swiss army knife do-all products always end up being disappointments. I remember this guy at the fair one time selling a thing called the "Hoagie". It was a combined vaccum cleaner, carpet cleaner, tile waxer, and toliet bowel cleaner all rolled into one.
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09/05/07 7:35 PM

#562871 RE: marginnayan #562852

Mar I kind of disagree/phones you have to get past that 2 year commitment. Next contract up for me and I'm all over the Iphone,they are very cool,web access is a great feature and the bells and whistles will only get better. Plus AT&T has the best coverage hands down. Over time their sales will continue to grow IMHO especially for buisness users. My cousin is a real estate contractor and he told me it paid for itself the 1st week! He was building an addition,the architect changed the plans for a deck midstream and was able to email him the new plans on the job site!Saved him a days work with his crew. He would have had to stop the crews work,go back to the office to get the new plans etc...
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09/07/07 7:44 AM

#563014 RE: marginnayan #562852

With its share price down more than 20% so far this year, Washington Mutual Inc. ought to be a textbook buying opportunity for investors hunting for major mortgage lenders that are down but not out.

WaMu has "good liquidity," or diverse sources of funding, according to a Moody's Investors Service report last week. The Seattle thrift's retail-banking operation is raking in cheap deposits to help fund new mortgages. And about the best thing going for it these days is that it doesn't look like the next Countrywide Financial Corp.

But stumbles made by WaMu long before the credit-market turmoil have undermined the credibility that other subprime lenders -- such as Wells Fargo & Co. -- are leaning on to lift their ailing stocks.

The result: Even though WaMu has tightened underwriting standards for riskier loans, many analysts and investors are taking a talk-is-cheap attitude about the assurances. "My opinion is it'll get worse," says Stuart Plesser, a Standard & Poor's stock analyst who slapped a "sell" recommendation on WaMu last week. He thinks the share price is likely to sink an additional 8% in the next year.

[WSJ Today Live]


Anal ysts: Housing has bottomed. Financials, especially the money center banks are a compelling buy after this "stop the madness" unwarranted correction in financials.

Oh Yeah ! Did you S&P geniuses (or should I say morons) not rate those junkie CDOs triple A rated ? Oh Yeah !