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08/07/07 8:14 PM

#45295 RE: djr63 #45280

MOM has once again done a total turn around..
I swear Dj I really don't know what to make of this situation. This is totally unlike our previous experiences with the other three parents.
Last week she was totally delusional and talking with the DEAD. At first hospice, David & I thought it was another psychotic break with reality or over medication.
But this seems to be different in a way I can't explain.
What's weird is how much better she has been since coming out of this........she has been stronger and more alert than ever before! Now I know this is going to sound bad...but what the fK I'm just going to say it.....I never EVER FOR A SINGLE MOMENT thought that she would still be around 2 1/2 months after she moved into our home....I'm truly happy that she is doing so well, Truly I am, but what happens if she does get well? I gave all her furniture away and she is very comfortable in our fact so comfortable that she had the caregiver redecorate my living room without asking me?