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Rob Mon

07/23/07 8:39 PM

#8639 RE: Raynell1 #8638

Wellcome all new posters! I'm enjoying the board more than I have for a long time.
ps I'm in for the long haul
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07/23/07 8:50 PM

#8641 RE: Raynell1 #8638

what is really misleading is the co pr stating no dilution under .40 you put out something like that you can expect to have some blow back. i commend spin for all he has done here. if not for him and some others we would know squat. the lords in ft. myers sure don't give us any thing.
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07/28/07 9:17 AM

#8764 RE: Raynell1 #8638

according to "Raynell1" using

"continual responses by SPIN alone is that he has cost all of us many opportunities to see a real rise in the share price."

so Raynell1, YOU assert that it's my fault the stock is at record lows, and that it went up when people read what YOUR court filings claimed about the damages YOU expected from ABB based on those court records.

maybe YOU also believe that it's somehow my fault the stock hit an all-time low yesterday, split-adjusted to $0.004. YOUR buddy 123 failed to note that, and continues to point to the much less relevant ask price as if nobody will notice.

YOU are still using the aol e-mail address in your iHub profile, and if YOU are not weisel, YOU could be in big trouble for impersonating a penny CEO.

of course if YOU are weisel, then YOU might be in big trouble with regulators for some of the stuff YOU posted. the Whole Foods CEO is the target of an SEC investigation for posting under an alias on yahoo. YOU might have read about it?!? After it made headlines all over, YOU posted this 5 days ago:

"Seriously, stay silent for two weeks and then sell at .40 or more."

YOU know that the e-mail address has been used in at least one RWT press release, and YOU are using it in YOUR iHub profile.

YOU should explain all of this to shareholders particularly after YOU posted with such ridiculous self-righteousness. While YOU are at it, tell us all where the ABB money went.


PS YOU wrote: "Now he is even against someone going to a church?" personally, i am against televangelists and generally do not consider them to operate legitimate "churches." there are many instances of televangelists who have used God to get people to part with their money. Tammy Faye Baker is just one of many examples. 100% JMO.

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07/29/07 11:24 AM

#8768 RE: Raynell1 #8638

Re:<"We'd rather deal with people we know than don't know but even that seems to upset Spin. Spin...prove my/our point. Refrain from posting for two weeks and see what happens to the share price. With 100,000 people visiing this board and what looks like many of us that sit on the sidelines coming forward to attack your negativeness seem to be the problem.">

Raynell1, if you're the CEO, it's great that you're worried about the share price but, for me, it doesn't inspire a lot of confidence if you feel the solution is to quiet the "bashers."

I remember another company, Phillips Metals in Canada, which was so convinced that bashers on Yahoo were the cause of their steep share price decline that they filed suit. A few months later it came to light that the company was fudging their copper sales and the company went bankrupt shortly after. It makes me very uneasy when a company's management steps up and points blame squarely at a message board.

In my opinion, forget about the bashers--they're either right or they're not. Do the best you can with the company and the stock will adjust to the best possible price. I understand the Cornell financing makes this unique and raising the share price sooner would be extremely helpful since a higher share price means less value is transferred to Cornell but fighting bashers won't help anything. Evaluating the ROI of all steps to be taken in operating the company will probably yield much better results.

I'm certainly not against you posting. I remember a while back the CFO of a large ISP was posting on his company's message board answering questions and that was a real treat. Raising the knowledge level of those here will help readers properly value Innova's stock--whether that be for the good or the bad. For instance, Innova has had a great growth in service revenue in the past few quarters and has fair margins but nobody here knows if that will continue. You've also announced that Innova was going after licensing but nobody has any idea if there are any reasonable opportunities.