Mitch Siegel LOST on the March 20th hearing. He tried to get a final Default Judgement and it was "DENIED"
Maybe because Globetel, through Jonathan Leinwand filed answers to the Complaint a week earlier on March 13th.
Here is Part of Globetels Response from the March 13th filing.
26. Unclean hands. Siegel breached his contract with GTEL by not performing his duties as an officer and employee to the satisfaction of the company.
27. Accord and Satisfaction. Siegel received his full benefits with the company until Mr. Siegel brought a deal to GTEL wherein the Magic Money Division was sold to Gotham Financial, LLC of which Mr. Siegel has an equity ownership position. Gotham Financial, LLC assumed the assets of Magic Money on or about October 30, 2006
Signed by Jonathan D Leinwand
Makes me wonder how accurate your Palmdale "DD" is?