Eik, regarding your item 4 - that NDOL's licenses were in effect "scammous" - that really would not speak well of Malyshev, would it? I cannot imagine that a CEO would commit to a $2.17 buyout then turn it into merger talks without thoroughly checking the numbers and truthfulness of reserve claims. The only explanation I could come up with, if indeed the claims were false (which we don't know for sure) is that Malyshev was in collusion with Monimpex and company to fleece investors.
That said, if all the current claims of a "major in the making", etc. are true, I gotta believe that the licenses are still valid and part of NWOG's reserves. To blame Parkin for everything that has happened, and not take responsibility for that debacle, if true, would be a major factor to the downside. On the other hand, if the licenses are still valid and are a part of NWOG's reserves (albeit not currently being explored), that would be IMO a point in the positive direction.
OTOH I believe licenses are issued on the premise that they will be explored, and are newewable each year (seems I read that somewhere). If that is right, then NWOG needs to undertake an exploration program there, or lose them.
Comments are appreciated.