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04/26/07 12:07 PM

#19582 RE: paige #19581

"a contract' with whom???

"under the auspices" what does that mean??

Cleverly weasel worded. Does not say that the contract was signed with CDEX on the one hand, and the US ARMY on the other.

But strives to make that impression without actually saying so.

Under the auspices in this case most likely means with the permission to use the proving grounds, loosely supervised and encouraged by the Army.. Could have been a sub-contract.
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04/26/07 1:26 PM

#19588 RE: paige #19581

Paige: "Someone's Lieing....Who should we believe?"

I'd believe the Army and its contract database (where you will NOT find any contracts with CDEx, BTW) over proven liar Malcolm Philips any day.

By the way, hon, you ever find that Army contract and contract number that Doo Wha Diddy4Sama asked you for?

I thought you were claiming you can hang with the big dogs? Whassamattar, hon, can't find a non-existent contract???

Now go fetch - and you'll see that MalcBaby was LYING (note the correct speeling) again.


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04/26/07 3:59 PM

#19598 RE: paige #19581

Paige is this PR referring to the same contract as the other PR which states that it was a sub-contract?


CDEX Inc. (CDEX), a Nevada Corporation, announced award of a contract to perform additional testing of its proprietary mobile explosive detection system, EM-1, under the auspices of the

United States Department of the Army's Communications and Electronics Command, Electronic Sensors and Night Vision Laboratory.

I think if this contract was directly with the Army it would clearly state the fact in the PR. It would read, "announced the award of a contract with the United States Army's...."

What PR writer worth his salt would not make that absolutely clear?

Instead, it states that they're under the auspices of the US Army and it is obvious that if they're testing on US Army proving grounds that would definitely be the case.

The expertease of Classical MalSpeak.

Now, where is the contact number and the contracting officer's name and number?

Again, I will make the call.