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04/22/07 1:23 AM

#142122 RE: barge #142114

Hey, back off uncle vern...and I think her discussion with Feeney was telling in the Feensters lack of intelligent response. If I had the power to make one change at Wave, Feeney would be shopping his CV around -- sans reference letter.
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04/22/07 9:14 AM

#142136 RE: barge #142114


Good to see you. I am glad you are still watching over us.
We have been friends for awhile now and still are. I would differ with you regarding a Feeney witch hunt. It's not about Feeney. It's not about SKS's income either.

It is all about TRUST and reaching for ever more that satisfies the management but has done nothing for the stockholders who have kept this thing afloat with our hard earned money and are waiting to actually realize the continually promised results that have yet to occur.

When I see some something that demonstrates we as shareholders are going to be rewarded for our long time and long term committment to this management and company then and only then would I give approval to such a request on an options grab and not before.

At some point in time the shareholders valuation and rights need to come first, not just the desire by the bod and mgmt. wanting to say we have a bigger carrot to dangle in front of prospective employees on the if/come that it MIGHT be this year that the company's financials actually demonstrate that revenues are coming in at a rate that exceeds expenses.

This is what it is about Barge, not a Feeney witch hunt. I don't know about you, but I am tired of being treated like a red headed step child by this management and the BOD. They have literally forgotten who affords them the luxury of a salary and bonuses while we have yet to see anything in terms of black ink on a statement.

IF IT IS coming, and the management really believes that, then let's see them ONE TIME actually let their actions demonstrate that belief and say they are willing to hold off until this "almost here" revenue river arrives. If it is such a sure thing, then why cannot we wait on this?

This is the essence of the argument from my perspective and I cannot speak for everyone else. I hope you will at least try to understand that I could care less about Gerald Feeney so long as my share valuation gets back to above my costs.

Hope this gives you an understanding of where I am coming from, and again, welcome back Barge! So very glad to see you.

My best,

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04/22/07 12:51 PM

#142166 RE: barge #142114

barge/Gilder's views

I disagree with you about Unclever's characterization of Gilder's views on women. You may not be aware that Gilder has written a book called "Men and Marriage," which can be viewed as merely rather quaint or as rabidly misogynist depending on your point of view.

Consider the following quotes from Gilder:

"Surely women's liberation is a most unpromising panacea. But the movement is working politically, because our sexuality is so confused, our masculinity so uncertain, and our families so beleaguered that no one knows what they are for or how they are sustained."

"This is what sexual liberation chiefly accomplishes-it liberates young women to pursue married men."
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04/22/07 2:08 PM

#142177 RE: barge #142114


At the risk of stating the obvious and belaboring what seems to have become a tired discussion, I would like to suggest that this issue is less about the number of shares outstanding and the amounts that can be offered as employee options than it is about trust of the directors and executives of the company. I believe that there are fewer first rate technology business people available than there are technology jobs. We may have some sense of what it takes to attract someone of that caliber, but business ebbs and flows and requirements change from time to time.

Seagate’s Robert Thibadeau had some very supportive comments in last month’s NY Times article. “It’s phenomenal,” Mr. Thibadeau added, “but I actually believe in them [Wave] in the sense that there’s a community of companies and individuals who are the core, I’ll call them, of the whole trusted-computing initiative, and Wave is one of the main contributors to it.

“By most measures, Wave shouldn’t have been around, right?” he continued. “But by some method that I have no idea, don’t care to know, they survived, and I think the quality of the stuff is good, the quality of the technical people and some of the business people is really good.”

If we accept that trusted processing will grow significantly, that Wave will grow along with it, and that we want management to be well equipped to add quality technical and business people around the world, then it would be shortsighted to encumber them. If, on the other hand, we don’t believe in the management that has brought us this far, I think we have a very different problem to consider. I, for one, continue to reside in the former camp, and I will support management on the option position. I believe that the 500,000 share amount is too high, but I trust that management will use reasonable discretion in awarding options. Largely through Larry’s efforts and the handwriting on the board, I think our collective concerns have been heard and that reasonable attention will be paid to them.

As always, best wishes to all. I am optimistic that our considerable patience will be rewarded.
