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04/22/07 11:48 PM

#142245 RE: bbigtim #142166

Bigtim---George Gilder has been a board member of WAVE for over 10 years. Many highly intelligent and respected people regard him easily as on the very top social theorists of his generation especially with respect to his views on the institution of marriage. I'm damn proud that he is a member of the WAVE board! I've always believed he has provided WAVE with instant credibility as a legitimate enterprise, and not a sham.

So yes I was offended that a highly respected poster should screech out for no discernable reason that George Gilder is a "misogynist"!

PS George Gilder gets a whole bunch of flack because of his strong animus against the modern Left push towards the Androgyny Ideal, which he regards as logically leading to the implosion of Western Civilization. Simply put, he is absolutely the polar opposite of a "misogynist".