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09/15/01 8:07 PM

#5908 RE: Joemoney #5907

And I did put up a flag on my house this morning. Everyone in the neighborhood did, so it's not like I'm a rebel against America or anything.

Joemoney =D


09/15/01 8:57 PM

#5910 RE: Joemoney #5907

>>Kids who join the military today are kids who are not going to college, and have displinary problems

Joe, not true.

Those who go into the military have plenty of reasons. Some go because they want to do it for their family (military background) or they want to serve their country. Others do it so they can afford the luxury of college. Some just want to blow things up.

There are lots of reasons people go to the military.



09/15/01 9:23 PM

#5913 RE: Joemoney #5907

Kids who join the military today are kids who are not going to college, and have
displinary problems.


My son is in the military.

He is none of those things. Went to college. Did fine. No discipline problems. Decided he wanted to serve his country.

So that chickenshits like you would enjoy the right to insult those who keep you free.

You have a right to admit you're a coward not willing to fight for freedom. You have a right to insult those who have more integrity and bravery in their little fingers than you have in your whole body.

And they are prepared to fight, and to die if necessary, so that you can keep the right to insult them.

The one thing they can't do is give you any sense of decency.

I feel sorry for you.

Don't bother responding because I wouldn't read it, and Matt will probably suspend me for profanity anyhow.

But just wanted everybody else here to know, what you already know, what a lame excuse for a human being you are.


09/15/01 9:28 PM

#5914 RE: Joemoney #5907


Do you mind me asking what country you are from?

You said earlier you only live in this country because you speak English and can make money here. That leads me to believe you are studying abroad from another country.

Maybe that will help us understand your sometimes way out there opinions and logic.



09/16/01 12:18 AM

#5960 RE: Joemoney #5907

Joe- Sorry I didn't respond sooner. I am not offended by your post.

While some kids do join for the reasons you stated, that has always been true.
Today's Military is much differnt than when I was in, and it will be much different in 30 years from the ones that go in now.
That's because all the weapons are different.
But that's not why I made my post.

I really think that you would benefit.

You know you can still do most of the things you do with the stock market, once you get assigned o permanent duty. Obviously the first few months you would be unable to.

The Miltitary gives a person the chance to travel, and it exposes a person to a lot of different people, and by doing that a person becomes aware of how other people in our society think and live.

It also does something important in a different way.
It gives a person experience in a few years what they might have to wait 15 to acquire. I am not talking about work experience, although that happens also, but life experience.
They would also get you into the best physical shape you will ever be in, btw.
As far as getting beat up, I would also imagine that would happen in your case, but that would stop after a while. You would learn to maybe not say some of the things that you are notorious for saying. ;-).
Well, it was just a thought, maybe keep it in the back of your mind, you never know, you may change your mind.

If you do, I will wish you good luck, and a safe journey through your military experience, I always wish the best for our soldiers, and you would be no different.

Just remember to keep your mouth from getting ahead of your thoughts, and you'll be okay.


09/16/01 11:15 AM

#5993 RE: Joemoney #5907

"Kids who join the military today are kids who are not going to college, and have displinary problems."

I'm way behind catching up here... but I have one comment about this. My oldest daughter, 26, was just getting ready to join the Navy. She has had some college, but is not a discplinary problem. Her plans to join were unfortunately delayed due to her accident which broke her leg. After this weeks events, several of her friends said "thank goodness you didn't go in". Her response was, "no! I'm even more determine to go in now, my country needs me."

My family has a very distinquished military history and I'm very proud of her.


Bob Zumbrunnen

09/16/01 12:31 PM

#5999 RE: Joemoney #5907

Kids who join the military today are kids who are not going to college, and have displinary problems

You're talking out of an orifice other than the one from which people are supposed to talk.

My son just started college but informed me this weekend of his intention to put college on hold and join the military. I'm behind whatever decision he decides to make.

I don't want to ruin an important part of my life by joining the military.

Personally, I wouldn't want you to be in the military. But I don't need to worry. It's one of those things where the people who have no place in the military also have no inclination to be there. It's a self-correcting/protecting system.

much too lazy to be doing pointless drills and excercises.

They're not pointless. A lazy slob would be a liability to his comrades.

At 20 years old, I have accomplished more than 99% of the people in the United States (financially)

I don't believe that for a second. I think it's just bluster. You're far too lacking in intelligence and common sense for the above statement to be true. If you're rich, I'd wager that it's an inheritance or insurance settlement.

But if you're referring to your moral bankruptcy, well, that's nothing something to brag about. We all see it and don't need the reminders.

I would probably get beaten up in the military for being such a preppy.

Fortunate for you there's no draft. And the term is "fragged".

I commend the bravery of those who do join,

In the same post in which you insult those who do??? Why are you so slow to realize that you're your own worst enemy?

I take more pride in my mental ability

Your pride is obviously misplaced.

God Bless America, and all but one of its inhabitants