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Russ Woolf

03/15/07 7:07 PM

#420 RE: overachiever #419

overachiever, in total agreement with what you wrote. And like scad, I am speechless and I want to know why they did not get after this group years ago. Also, what are the news folks going to do now that Mr. Bolt is back on the street;are thay going to listen to their lawyers and not print any stories because they will be scared that they will be sued by Mr. Bolt?.

Does everyone know what all this is worth to Mr. Bolt? Keep an eye on the internet. Sure as their are little green apples, Mr. Bolt is going to be on some message board going after the Dallas Morning News and their reporter.


03/15/07 7:13 PM

#421 RE: overachiever #419

Amen Brother!

I know for an absolute fact that multiple agencies had plenty to nail Bolt with and that a pretty high powered US Attorney in Washington headed up a multi-agency probe into Bolt and Shimoda. Why in the world would the government sabatoge all of the work investigating the misdeeds he orchestrated and committed on his own?

Note that other charges were dropped "without prejudice" and can thus be re-filed later - but my question is why in the world shoot yourself in the foot by going after him on a crappy sting set-up in the first place?

To me, it would seem that such an action has placed Bolt in the position of claiming that he has already cleared himself in the event of new charges and that such new charges are just harassment and a vendetta on behalf of the government.

If this is not an example of amazing incompetency and miscalculation, there is more than meets the eye here. One can only hope.


03/15/07 7:45 PM

#424 RE: overachiever #419

AMEN overachiever....AMEN !!!!