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03/07/07 7:58 PM

#4839 RE: siriusadult #4838

sirius, damn girl - that was well put. I think you are right on the money (no pun intended)I think we all know who the players are and I still feel this will all lead to a class action situation down the road. Ron Pickett is hated by Wall Street and for good reason. People can talk about the bashers trying to short this stock but I believe it is more about the pumpers and the "phoney" snakes that lurk here all day long. Maybe someday we can talk and you can give me some of your hot picks, LOL. Thanks for your honesty and hard work. Like I said before, I would take you on my team anytime, take care.
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03/07/07 8:45 PM

#4840 RE: siriusadult #4838

Sirius I am glad you finally came to your senses on TKO. I was kind of shocked but not suprised by what you said about Digital Angel RP's old company. I lost all trust in RP several months ago with the CC on what the hell was that Meet The CEO. He paid for a CC he didn't have the courage to actually take questions from real analysts. Then there was the Stockholders Meeting. You attended that I remember your comments on body english. I read and reread the transcripts what a snow job. I really love this technology but I really thing the only thing that will save it is for GE to buy TKO. I am not sorry to bash managment again they don't have the skills. Some of them even ammended their profiles on the TKO website. I believe Isaiah is the only one holding out blindly. They call that blind faith I believe. GLL is too but she has a lot more disposable income than any of us. This may be a form of gambling to her I don't know. I don't want that to offend her. I am sorry GLL. I said it before I still believe in this technology especially the Energy savings and Homeland Security and Military contracts. Those are potentially HUGE. GE must be salivating watching this company melt down. Cheap aquusition!!!
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03/08/07 11:37 AM

#4843 RE: siriusadult #4838


I'm sorry you've taken a huge loss here. I have not lost a dime in TKO. That's because I haven't sold a share. You say you made money in the stocks you bought yesterday, but unless you made a trade immediately you have neither made nor lost any money in those stocks either. Until one sells, there are no profits and there are no losses.

I hope those other investments come through for you. You a nice person. I feel your pain.

You say you don't think TKO is going to come in for a long time--maybe a few months. Personally, that doesn't strike me as long at all. Especially considering I've been a buyer over the past few years. I'm happy to wait it out and take my gains long-term, for the lower tax burden.

I could be wrong, but I think the company is making great strides with all the deals they've inked. If they make the revenue figures they announced, we should be in great shape this year. I think they'll beat them. This is how I thought one made money in the market. Find a stock that the market has undervalued, accumulate a position and wait for the market to catch up. I freely admit I might be wrong. Some of the things you've brought up are worrisome. But all in all, I don't see the company going out of business. I think that question has been answered by the GE, EDS and government deals. I think the downside risk here is much lower than it ever has been. I believe that the biggest problem with TKO is not the management but that the product (which even the biggest detractors say is great on these boards) was somewhat ahead of the curve.

And I will wait it out, as boring and angonizing as it may be.

Best of luck with your new investments or trades.

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03/09/07 11:36 AM

#4856 RE: siriusadult #4838

In your tracking of Ron's prior companies, etc. did Pete Mussers name ever appear? No, of course not.l