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03/08/07 12:10 PM

#4844 RE: dsdectector #4843

BSD, i couldn't agree with you more. I do not have blind faith as some say because i have the product working in my 75,000 sq ft building and it is awesome. As i have said before i do not believe that GE or EDS are so stupid to do business with a company that is not going to be around especially GE to co-make the product together. Like you said we could be wrong but i do not think so. All these accusations against the mangement about the price of the stock is amazing to me. They have never said what the price will be only those who have posted on this board. To me they have not lied yet in anything that they said as EDS has come to pass and GE which they said nothing about but only by those who posted on this board. Even the guidance that Ron said whould come has come maybe not as soon as we would have liked it but it has come. The problem as i see it is that many post things and when it does not come to pass as they said it would or when they said it would we blaim the management. I honestly think they could care less if they are not meeting what is posted on this board as they are too busy getting things done and when they finally do it will become known to us. I just hope that those who have made these accusations will have the courage to say they were wrong and if the management does not get it done then i will have the courage to say i was wrong.
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03/08/07 1:29 PM

#4845 RE: dsdectector #4843

YUP---well stop-losses when I first bought in, really kicked me in the, I have been TOLD that stop losses are a really good tool to use, especially on a spec stock....if you recall, the stop-loss knocked out 2/3 of my shares.....and that is about the time that I got 'mad' and walt started identifying me as 'whiner'...hahahaha ....and that is when I started paying real close attention to the STUFF surrounding TKO, as well.....I had been holding the stock, BEFORE my appearance on the Yahoo board...and only started posting when I could not figure out howcome 'things' were not what we were told they were. But because I researched the hell out of the technology, took lessons even from some of the board posters, I felt it was a worthy company to speculate on....then, again, what was happening was not what we were told by RP in his CC's was going to happen. He doesn;t do CC's, anymore---does he?

I have invested several times in TKO---even held on when it went down to 1.62 last summer---I could not buy more shares, as I had no money to put into more shares--I had only been losing money on TKO...and I will be damned if I sell a good still rising stock for disposable cash. Sometime last fall, I wired another $20,000 to my scottrade account...for the purpose of once again---based on ALL those wonderful steps of progress we were learning about--and put it ALL into TKO, and guess what? Instead of the pps going UP on announcements, it went DOWN....and there I swam underwater---again!

I tell ya, last fall, I told you folks about SXR.TO...a Uranium mining company, and it has doubled since I told you, and it is still moving up. I had a stop-loss on SXR as well, and when it kicked in, I was up 3000 bucks, as I shared with the board, for a weeks worth of loaning my money....I boght back in to SXR because it making me money---but not once--has TKO made money for me...

I didn;t buy into TKO at 1 or 2 original price was closer to 5bucks...and I had averaged down to 3.50...but every time I got the average down to what I felt would work, the price dropped again! I agree that things are moving forward now, instead of backwords, on TKO...but I am trying to make some money NOW...I figure I have about 3 months to do so...until TKO is taken seriously by the market....then, perhaps, I will add to my pittance of shares that I now hold...

AS to the other stocks I have in my spec drawer, I also have Thorium Power THPW.OB, which I have spoken of before---and it is doing nothing but going up for well...that one will take care of your grandchildren, IMO, as not many people are aware of it, but powerful and big forces are behind it, and it is an alternative to Uranium, which is in short supply compared to demand...THWP has the technology to turn Thorium into Nuclear energy--safer than Uranium--more cost effective--and there is more thorium available in the earth, than there is uranium.....and there is VERY little competition to the technology--somewhat similar to what we were told about TKO when I bought in....but there is a big difference in THPW is perceived on wall street, and a big difference in how things are presented to the public, ...well there is a big difference in a lot of things....

And then I have one more spec stock--and that is the one we have filed a complaint with to the SEC--not against the company---but for an investigation of hedge funds naked shorting, and a specific MM who has orchestrated a bear raid with some huge funds against the I am currently underwater there,with 30,000 shares, as well.....but the company management did not sit back and do nothing--in fact--in a period of only a few months, took steps to 'interrupt' the game of the make it extremely difficult for them to continue the naked shorting, which RP has not done for TKO shareholders---he seemingly allowed it to continue when he was so desparate, that he took money from that toxic financer---kiss of death for TKO shareholders....'stuff' happens when always looking for the easiest way out of a 'problem' --it usually only creates more problems....

OK, enuf of my tirade for today.....I just have a problem with people who SAY one thing, and do pinches my trust button...and I have a real strong affinity for 'telling it like it is' vs. top secret---especially when a public company, using my money, would rather keep it secret from me,or 'divert my attention elsewhere', when I am the investor who should be entitled to know WHY and WHAT? And today, one of my questions is WHY was there no budget for R&D, that would allow upgrade and improvements on the TKO technology--which resulted in a dependency of GE to upgrade and improve, instead---weakening the power of the TKO patents, for instance, and reducing the amount of money TO Telkonet, to cover the cost of the upgrades...

OK--once again--I could go on and on,,,but I will stop now...sorry....
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03/08/07 2:04 PM

#4846 RE: dsdectector #4843

DSD: I too echo your thoughts. I invested in the long haul for TKO and will not be required to make a sell decision until 008. My buy average is 4.14 and I sincerely believe my investment is entirely safe. Handiport.