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11/14/03 11:41 AM

#18356 RE: go-kitesurf #18348

edit: i don't think ANY people outside Wave understand what Wave is doing!

you say they're being paid to be in the box, yet when Oppenheimer asks SKS to address the issue, he dances. Do you *know* that INTC is paying Wave?

i don't.

"billions of deployed devices in 10 years" -- no dispute there. Will Wave exist in 10 years? printing new shares on a near-quarterly basis.

"We don't know 10% of what's going on." i agree 100%. that is a big problem IMO. if this group doesn't know 10% & the CEO won't discuss deployment rates or rev projections, what do you think Opp. thinks?

"I am in the camp that believes in a few years Wave will be doing very well." that remains possible, but there are massive hurdles to overcome first.

"Wave certainly has the capability to announce news quickly" You mean like Peter saying in MARCH that there was a SERIES of PRs that were to be released in "LITERALLY a few weeks" ?!? (33 weeks & counting since he made that statement)

"but a lot of people here aren't interested in your details." why should they be any more interested in yours, or yaya's or Snack's or DJ's or CPA's or AWK's or ANYONE ELSE?!?

"If you wanted break-even revenues today from sales made in July and August, you haven't been really educated on Wave, and their timeline, and you should have saved yourself some time by investing 6 mos from today."

i wanted some meaningful guidance on deployment & rev projections... i would have been happy to hear SKS confirm his break-even projections from last CC & maybe give us some visibility into deployment (e.g., we've moved around X thousand units of ETS, NSM is shipping in X thousand quantity, etc)

didn't hear anything other than a lot of "cool", SO, ummmmms, errrrrs, & the sound of tap dancing.

in addition to the same old tired schtick about the keys & even the same old tired joke about HP's boring book!

worst CC i've heard ever.

not just from Wave, worst ever...

PS trustcuz -- a bit better than your posted strategy, eh?


MIG -- that wasn't "my" example -- somebody else hyped a $300Mil buyout. & yeah, i think i posted that the $260Mil in losses would be attractive to a buyer who actually makes money. But if you buy the company you get the mgmt (or have to compensate them to walk away). You really think the sprague way works in the rest of corporate america? c'mon!

BTW, i had a GARAGE SALE this summer that made more $ than Wave made in product sales in Q3!

AND, the NEC activation rate question WAS asked... SKS danced.


11/14/03 11:58 AM

#18367 RE: go-kitesurf #18348

Go-Kitesurf: The problem is that SKS set the timeline. He was the one who said revenues in Q4 would be near the breakeven point. OK, things happen, timelines get stretched out. But should not he be obliged to remark on his previous statement, that perhaps it was too optimistic?

This is the kind of thing I believe people are reacting to today.It appears we are witnessing more of the same behavior as we have witnessed in the past--no regard and no accountability for past statements.

What is different this time? Well, we are shipping. Of course it is too early to tell how we are doing. But c'mon, SKS must have some inkling. I can't believe with his loose and reckless lip in the past, he could not give us some hint. He knows.

That's the problem when you are always speaking of good things happening in the near future. When it continually does not happen, you stop believing. That is what I think the problem is.

The French bank demo, in normal times, would have been enough to buoy us. But these are not normal times. If mgt has any bullets left, I suggest they need to fire them now, or all of you perpetually optimistic cheerleaders are going to be left talking to yourselves. There is a crisis of confidence, precisely when we should be poised on the precipice of success.

Only Wave could screw up success, while teetering on the very brink of it.

If this is great leadership, I'm an azalea bush.
