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05/11/24 4:25 PM

#86207 RE: Dubster watching #86206

Electric lawnmower isnt likely to go all 'Maximum Overdrive' on you like the movie as it lacks the computer tech needed for things like bit flips. No it's more likely to catch on fire and burn wherever you store it along with it due to EM radiation causing the lithium batteries to spontaneously combust.

Teslas are just computers on wheels. Thus they can and will glitch during solar/geomagnetic storms. This is known. Its just near impossible to prove. So you have to look at Tesla accidents in aggravate not individually and look for patterns like failing to negotiate a curve and driving into an object for no apparent reason. Theres a reason Teslas get into more accidents than any other car statistically.

With the rise of self-driving car technology, it's possible that computer systems on these vehicles could malfunction due to cosmic rays. What if, during an automated trip, imagery from a camera mounted at the front of the car became corrupted and the on-board computer failed to spot a person walking out in front of the vehicle?

However, the research is yet to be published and he says he's not allowed to reveal what the starting level of accuracy was during the experiments.

Such interventions could make self-driving cars of the future safer but they wouldn't eliminate the possibility of a cosmic ray causing other problems. And this raises an interesting conundrum for insurers.

"In a world of fully autonomous vehicles, how can you prove the accident happened because of cosmic rays?" says Rech. "That is very challenging. I mean, it's impossible, by definition." In ambiguous cases, disputes over whether a human or technology manufacturer – or space weather – was at fault might be difficult to resolve

Impossible to prove but can and does happen. Can even be emulated in a lab setting.


Heres another example of it being claimed in the media that electromagnetic interference is causing Teslas to drive on their own without driver input. Case study of where this has been observed in other EVs posted below. Video of the Tesla driving itself is here:

Video Footage:

For an expert opinion, KXAN took the case to Dragan Djurdjanovic. A professor in mechanical engineering, Djurdjanovic looked into similar allegations against Tesla around 2008. The expert said it's very possible that electromagnetic interference between wires caused the accident.

Its EMI but not from inside the car. Instead its coming from outside the car which is why Teslas only go out of control like this during geomagnetic unrest. Also in 2008 it was Toyotas that were having problems with SUA.

Not only can low-frequency magnetic fields pose health hazards to human beings, but they can also affect some electric control units (ECUs) in a vehicle. An ECU that consists of Hall-effect sensors located near the battery pack or powertrain modules could be affected by the low-frequency magnetic field if no sufficient shielding is provided.

The electromagnetic  interference  affects  the  automobile  electronic  control  system  mainly  in  two  ways:  one is  to  affect  the  input  signal  of  the  sensor  of  the  electronic  control  system,  causing  distortion  and resulting  in  electric  control  signal  where  the  ECU  output  does  not  match  the  driver's  intention,  which leads  to  the  wrong  operation  of  the  actuator;  the  other  is  to  interfere  the  ECU  output  signal  to  result  in its deviation,  misleading the operation of  the actuator.


Tesla Drivers Have the Highest Crash Rate of Any Brand: Study
Tesla led all automakers with 23.54 crashes per 1,000 drivers in the past year.