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04/18/24 2:07 PM

#85824 RE: boston745 #85823

This paper hypothesizes that the earth’s magnetic core moving around in its polar reversal causes extreme volcanism, tectonic movement, and earthquakes, along with a weakened, then chaotic and then gapped, magnetic field that allows galactic-cosmic and sun solar output to penetrate in levels that humanity has not experienced

Considering there was a temporary reversal 42000 years ago, id say humanity has experienced this before.

The Adams Event and the Origins of Cave Art

Thursday Feb 18, 2021

How do the geomagnetic changes during the Adams Event, 42,000 years ago, spur the start of figurative Cave Art?

I talk to Dr Leslie Van Gelder, an expert in cave art about early human behaviour, caves, and red ochre sunscreen!
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04/18/24 11:37 PM

#85829 RE: boston745 #85823

Evidence for an Extreme Cooling Event Prior to the Laschamp Geomagnetic Excursion in Eifel Maar Sediments

Phases of increased and supra-local flood activity coincide with Heinrich stadials in marine sediment records,
Flood frequency remained high throughout all Heinrich stadials,
Flood deposition was caused by a decline in stabilizing vegetation cover due to detrimental climate conditions and increased water supply from heavy rains or seasonal snowmelt,
Periods of high slumping activity occurred during the early MIS 3 warm phase, at 43,500 yr b2k and subsequent to GI3,
The slumping event at 43,500 b2k (ACE) led to the formation of a prominent fractured, breccia-like sediment texture with a preservation of lamination within individual rotated blocks, indicating that the sediment was solidified due to deep frost conditions during GS12,
The timing of the ACE coincides with the initial onset of the Laschamp geomagnetic excursion [32,33,34].

Although a definite connection between the ACE and the Laschamp event cannot be proven, their simultaneous timing seems intriguing. Nonetheless, the severely cold climate conditions during GS12, as well as the environmental impacts of the Laschamp and the Campanian Ignimbrite events, must have presented major challenges for European populations [66,67,68,69] and are quite likely responsible for the demise of the Neanderthals and the subsequent domination of anatomically modern humans.

This study suggests that there was a warm phase, flooding (like we are seeing now), and significant cooling event leading up and into the Laschamp Event (Adams Event). This is the last time the earths magnetic field weakened like it is now before the poles flipped and then flipped back again about 800 years later. At least one major volcanic event occurred after the event suggesting a possible connection between super volcanoes and geomagnetic polar flips. Humans are not the cause of climate change! Teslas will not stop this and will only increase pollution!

Whats funny about this is theres claims that magnetic field weakening is not causing climate change because theres no evidence that the last excursion caused such climate changes. Yet, the above study shows climate change occurring around the time of the Adams event that may have killed off European Neanderthal.

A 2021 study connects the Laschamps excursion to climate upheaval, extinction events, and even changes to human behavior. The scientists hypothesized that during a time when Earth’s magnetic field was weaker than normal, increased solar and cosmic radiation was able to penetrate Earth’s atmosphere, altering ozone levels and driving global climate shifts and extinctions.

But Schmidt says this study is speculative at best. “Where is the evidence for any changes in climate 42,000 years ago that are associated with extinctions? There are no shifts in the ice cores. We know that there was a lot of climate variability over the last ice age, and we have it pretty well-timed, none of it lines up with this magnetic excursion.”

Well Schmidt, you need only look into the research above!

The flooding event in Dubai was not weather wars or cloud seeding. Its a result of this climate change due to the earths weakening field. Just like the sudden cooling event in China was not caused by weather wars.

Temperatures in China drop by 50 degrees in two days killing thousands of birds
Thousands of birds freeze into ice as temperatures drop by 50 degrees in China