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04/19/24 10:48 AM

#85837 RE: boston745 #85829

What interesting timing. I bring up the adams event and now I find out there is going to be a presentation on it next week. Specifically about the increase in cosmic rays during that period of time. If the earths magnetic field continues to weaken, something supoosedly going to be accelerated by all that SpaceX debris, then we will see this. More cosmic rays means more chances Teslas go out of control due to bit flips and EMI.

Cosmic rays streamed through Earth's atmosphere 41,000 years ago: New findings on the Laschamps excursion

Times of lower paleomagnetic field intensity—less shielding—should correlate to higher rates of cosmogenic radionuclide production in the atmosphere. Sanja Panovska, a researcher at GFZ Potsdam, Germany will present her findings about the relationship between paleomagnetic field intensity and cosmogenic nuclides during the Laschamps excursion, with a focus on space climate, next week during the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2024.

Variations in cosmogenic radionuclides like beryllium-10 provide an independent proxy of how Earth's paleomagnetic intensity changed. Indeed, Panovska found that the average production rate of beryllium-10 during the Laschamps excursion was two times higher than present-day production, implying very low magnetic field intensity and lots of cosmic rays reaching Earth's atmosphere