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04/08/24 1:25 AM

#186392 RE: KCCO7913 #186390

KCC just agreed with a LOT that I said re Lightwave status:

Now, a close look at the substance of KCC's comments shows he actually agreed with me on these issues.


1. "You may be right…this could be a dead stock for a few months". To be clear, I said the next 6 months..

2. Re the reliability and scalability, KCC says "They are CHALLENGES". KCC appears to agree with me in principle in that they are slowing down the deals, but doesn't like the terms I used. I used "impass" -- I don't mean it can't go forward, just that it appears to be sidetracked or delayed from resulting in a deal for the time being. He also didn't like my using the word "issue" and prefers "challenges". I''m ok either way. There are challenges that seem to be slowing down commercialization.

Bottom line: Re Reliability KCC wrote: "Yes the question of “when is enough, enough?” is valid."

3. Re scalability and yields, he wrote: "again..yes, the question of yield is critical to answer here." For all we know poor yields could be stopping progress COLD.

KCC agrees with these as unknowns, but taken together these 4 items are a potentially troublesome in both the short AND the long term, so many may well be willing to wait 'as long as it takes', but I think KCC has said they really only have about 12 more months to make it, so these "challenges" must not be taken lightly by shareholders. .....

Re the ability to meet the 800Gpbs with PAM4, 200Gpbs per lane: I would like for that to be true, but as I pointed out the PR has some strangely vague wording - as it refers to testing a DESIGN "based on" and "leveraging" the 200mm modulators--AS OPPOSED TO testing those FOUNDRY modulators themselves!..Maybe it's just poor wording, but damn - why don't they just say it?

IF it is true - surely this would have been in the 10k. But from what I'm seeing it isn't::

KCC also said:

look at the picture of the 200mm wafer and you can even see the multi-channel modulator PICs!

I freely admit that I am not sure what to focus on in that microscopic picture. It does appear there might be 4 channels, but you now have used the term "MULTI-channel" instead of "4 channel" I think 4 times when discussing these 200mm wafers. Multi can mean 2, right? Why don't you say 4? BUT - EVEN IF it is 4, who is to say those aren't 100Gbps or even 50Gpbs? What is missing IMO is direct communication that those modulators are 4 channel 200Gbps.

The 10k mentions the 200mm wafer, but does NOT say 4 channel 200Gpbs: Rather is says this:

We now have the capability to model, simulate and design photonic integrated circuits (PICs) in-house and we are currently developing 4 channel electro-optic polymer modulators.


we continue to work closely with our packaging and foundry partners for 112Gbaud prototypes,

The 10K mentions papers showing the ability to achieve these bandwidths several years ago but it never says they have now done this with non-plasmonic modulators produced in foundries. And the PR for 4th quarter - which mentions 200mm - ALSO doesn't say it's 4 channel 200Gpbs.

Lastly, the BIG difference between how KCC views the current status and how I view it is TRUST. I believe the company has demonstrated a lack of trustworthiness not only over many years, but in recent years in various ways by leading investors to expect progress on the technology and on closing deals that don't reflect the true status. Somehow many just look past what to me are glaring clues that these are intentional deceptions.

KCC says he doesn't trust Mr. Marcelli but then goes on to quote what Mr Marcelli said to provide hope for something to materialize with the transceiver company! I'm not willing to do that. When a company intentionally deceives (imo), there is no longer a good reason to continue to get one's hopes up. The logical stance is "I'll believe it when I see it".

There is simply no reason to expect a deal at any time in the near future based on all of above, BUT ON TOP OF THAT ARE THE "TELL'S". KCC dismisses the tells, and rationalizes the "positive" angles for them (the transceiver company is "pulling", the ASM demo is a gift and allows many questions, the 6 months of demos spreads the word). But each "tell" dovetails with all of the above for discerning and unbiased investors to see, ESPECIALLY when Dr Lebby himself stressed in the Benzinga interview that a primary goal for 2024 is to RE-SET shareholder expectations!. No Transceiver demo = unsatisfied (ie 'not convinced') transceiver company. Demo at ASM = keep shareholders excited. 6 months of demos = don't expect much in the next 6 months.

KCC says "I see nothing but progress". I see far more than that. I see continued "fake it till you make it" obfuscation because they could EASILY tell us where they are IN PLAIN ENGLISH, but they don't.

Lastly, if you are reading this KCC, I'm sorry you took such offense. Your comments are a sad overreaction, since I never pestered you (only posted neutrally 2 times in a whole year) and even said "this is TedPeele" so as to continue our conversation. I didn't think it was such a big deal - not near on the same level of some shockingly insensitive things you have recently said to me...but it is what it is. Best to you and all others who still believe.


04/08/24 7:56 AM

#186400 RE: KCCO7913 #186390

KCC said, I received confirmation by the company that both statements were accurate. Several foundries “ARE” versus “PLANNING TO”. Same difference! Oh and guess what…look at the picture of the 200mm wafer and you can even see the multi-channel modulator PICs!

This is the highlight of your post KCC, on Slide 14 investors are shown the 200mm wafer with LWLG modulators and other devices, the 4x200 is the pinnacle product that Transceiver builders will "drop in those little boxes" (pluggable Transceivers) as Lebby told investors at Wainwright

OFC Slide 14 here

Lebby at Wainwright, in fact, we are enabling network equipment upgrades without changing the network. You don't have to change the fiber, you don't have to change the equipment. You just put our technology, which is like putting a V8 into a four-cylinder car, and you put it into those little boxes. I don't know if there's a point that works here. And those boxes all fit into the network switches and routers, and that upgrades the equipment without changing the equipment, which is really powerful.

Foundries Volume Scaling Achieved!! Lebby said "BIG MILESTONE!!"

Lebby told investors in the Dec 4th 2023 letter "and I look forward to sharing exciting new milestones during the balance of this year and in the next year to come."

In the Benzinga interview Lebby shared a newly achieved BIG MILESTONE!!! That milestone is LWLG's ability to NOW be able to SCALE VOLUME PRODUCTION!!!!

Folks this is HUGE and it was obviously only achieved in either January or February of 2024 since the 4th Quarter 2023 Update letter did NOT say that the SCALING AT VOLUME milestone had been achieved yet!!!

In the Benzinga interview, listen to what Lebby told investors in terms of scaling LWLG modulators to HIGH VOLUME!!

"in terms of working with the Big Foundries we actually have modulators on 200mm wafers, 8" across, this is the Standard size that Foundries use, this is a BIG MILESTONE, this means we can scale our technology quickly and efficiently in volume"

let me repeat that!!! Lebby said this was a BIG MILESTONE!!!

quote found at about 1:49:00

Folks Shorts here have been lying and deceiving Longs here trying to get them to believe this was IMPOSSIBLE!! Well guess what, LWLG just accomplished it!!! DONE DEAL!!!
