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03/24/24 4:28 PM

#340938 RE: Poo28 #340937

My favorite is the gloom and doom ppl spin about this company and how it “can’t survive”. They have proven for YEARS that they are going to keep on surviving! But whatever, bashers bash because it’s in their nature aka how they make their money lol
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03/24/24 5:07 PM

#340939 RE: Poo28 #340937

The Company has always stated shareholders should do their own due diligence

The average DBMM shareholder can't count over 10 without taking their shoes and socks off! If they could, they wouldn't be holding shares!

More word salad on a Sunday from Poopy Pants!

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03/24/24 5:48 PM

#340940 RE: Poo28 #340937

Or more ludicrous that when Asher sued and tried to steal the Company , that the Company should not have fought?

You know VERY WELL that that isn't why you were fighting Asher! Shall we now trot out the truthful rendition of the story???

You signed a financing deal in which Asher could convert shares at lower than market prices. When they started doing so (what, you were surprised??) and the DBMM share price was being driven down because of it? YOU decided to fight them and challenged the contract YOU signed, in court. The court held for Asher and ordered YOU (DBMM) to PAY them. When you DIDN'T? The judge ordered you to turn the company and any subsidiaries over to Asher.

So don't go making it SEEM like you were suing Asher because they were trying to steal the company. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Asher wanted THEIR MONEY - the money YOU OWED THEM! And when you continued to stiff them, and not pay the payment ordered by the court? THAT is when the JUDGE ordered the company over to Asher.

I doubt Asher even WANTED the company. Why in the WORLD would they want a two-bit, broken down, almost bankrupt company, that had to crawl on their bellies for money - just to survive? I don't think they DID!

And now when you come out and say I'm lying about this? I''ll refer you to the FACTS that are listed in the NY court docket, that PROVE what I'm saying!

Just give it up Poo.

I'll say it once again - you should be tending to your CEO duties, instead of posting on a stock discussion board! GET ON IT!