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03/12/24 1:16 PM

#678038 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Good luck Smokey .


03/12/24 1:17 PM

#678039 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Very sorry to read this Smokey21.
I wish you all the best.



03/12/24 1:21 PM

#678040 RE: Smokey21 #678034

You are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless. You’ve got this.💪


03/12/24 1:25 PM

#678041 RE: Smokey21 #678034

If shareholders were paying attention they would've forced a sale and put this alleged miracle into the hands a patients years ago. That makes you the delinquent party. Or are you going to blame BP too for ignoring L and shelving Direct?


03/12/24 1:25 PM

#678043 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Sounds very aggressive


03/12/24 1:27 PM

#678044 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Smokey, wishing you all the best 👍️


Sir Pumpernickel

03/12/24 1:28 PM

#678045 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Praying for you and wishing you the very best in your battle. I’ve lost so many family and friends in last 5 years to it it’s quite overwhelming sometimes. God Bless.


03/12/24 1:32 PM

#678047 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Prayers for your comfort, and a full recovery Smokey.... God Bless....


03/12/24 1:35 PM

#678048 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Smokey, please call Les or his wife Sue I think or access enrollment form and sign up for the basket trial they might be up to. In any case knowing you are a long investor, they might be able to help you for sure. They can get you DcVaxL +CI combo + PLX3697 I hope. Please try reaching them out. If they must have cemented the combo deal, patients like you can be enrolled , imo.


03/12/24 1:45 PM

#678056 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Praying for you everyday.


03/12/24 1:51 PM

#678058 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Hope you recover from that horrible experience.


03/12/24 1:51 PM

#678059 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Wish you all the best Smokey


03/12/24 1:53 PM

#678061 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Prayers on the way


03/12/24 1:55 PM

#678062 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Smokey, I am very sorry to hear what you are going through right now
and I am wishing you a speedy and complete recovery. Although the
treatments that are still currently used to treat cancers (chemorad, etc.)
are savage and should be replaced ASAP, they are often effective.
I know that from personal experience. I survived two cancers and
received chemotherapy and radiation; it was not pleasant at all but
I am still here and right now I am cancer free and fairly healthy.

Wishing you to follow in my footsteps to a complete recovery.

best wishes


03/12/24 2:08 PM

#678069 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Best of luck with the chemo, it's no fun, but it can be very effective. Hopefully in time DCVax-L and other newer therapeutics will lead to less of it being required, but none of us should think that we'll free the world from chemo. The main thing is keep getting better. My best.



03/12/24 2:29 PM

#678075 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Praying for your recovery Smokey.


03/12/24 2:32 PM

#678076 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Good luck buddy. I'll light a candle for you.


03/12/24 2:47 PM

#678081 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Godspeed and prayers for your recovery. Stay positive & kick some ass


03/12/24 3:04 PM

#678086 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Smokey im wishing you the best. Hope you get through this nasty shit and back to normal ASAP.

And F___ anybody who is here trying to stop treatments like this from getting to market. You are the lowest of low, and you know who you are.

This. 100% This.

My best friend. Practically a brother, is about to die after a 14 year battle with a brain cancer (not GBM but recurrent of some kind). 4 times they have opened his noggin and removed a staggering amount of his brain. All the chemo. All the rads. Lasers, etc...
Yet he remained almost exactly the same guy. Maybe a little forgetful. Toughest MFer I know. Beautiful wife and two little girls.
Infected and septic after most recent surgery. Another surgery likely would kill him and he'd have no more skull. He said take me home.
Now he is a bed ridden husk. But he's still hanging on. Weaker and weaker every day. But his soul is still in there.
I cry after everytime I go see him. Because there's nothing I can do.

So yeah, F__K you pieces of shit that sit here day in and day out trying to keep this promising treatment out of the hands of people like my friend Tom and his family. Say what you will about how this company is handled, that's one thing, but this treatment has a shot at saving people like him. You know who you are... And I wish I did too...


03/12/24 3:07 PM

#678087 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Smoky - I wish you the best 🙏🙏🙏


03/12/24 3:23 PM

#678088 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Smokey21, My entire soul and heart is pulling for your recovery to a painless, healthy recovery.


03/12/24 3:55 PM

#678098 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Wishing you well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


03/12/24 4:38 PM

#678103 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Smokey, I’m so sorry to hear that you’re having to undergo all of this. It sounds like you’re about half way through… so hopefully, you can see the light at the end of this dark tunnel, and the other side brings you healing.

My thoughts are with you. :)


03/12/24 4:43 PM

#678106 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Did they give you 2 months off between radiation and chemo. You are doing 4 treatment of chemo or 6


03/12/24 5:53 PM

#678131 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Hang in there bro


03/12/24 6:28 PM

#678144 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Every patient in the trial went through chemo so I’m not sure why you think the company’s inability to run a credible trial has anything to do with having chemo or not.

And F anyone who thinks this company gives a shit about cancer patients. If they did they would have tried to get it approved via EMA or FDA. And it Wouldn’t be three years after fucking datalock for them to submit anything. The lowest of the low is LP profiting off the back of cancer patients while building a couple CDMOs off the backs of shareholders.

Your oncologist has never heard of DC VAX because it’s useless. Nobody has except the shills here who learned about it from some penny stock blogger on Twitter 15 years ago. Nobody is helping cancer patients by funding LP’s retirement. Anyone wants to help cancer patients they can donate to their local hospice.


03/12/24 7:46 PM

#678158 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Eat some asparagus in the morning and evening, many years ago one doctor told to HK people through the radio, he said eat asparagus may help the cancer patients .


03/13/24 12:12 AM

#678193 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Thanks for sharing this brutal truth smokey. I join everyone here in wishing you the strength to beat this cancer. It’s truly unfortunate that most cancer patients must still endure this poisoning to rid the cancer.

When you see what goes on in the stock market and pharmaceutical industry to put profits over quality of care, and stifle innovation and change, it’s no wonder the standard of care has barely improved in decades. I know we aren’t alone in hoping that Northwest Bio, and next-generation immunotherapies like DCVax, can improve this.

Stay strong, have hope, and never give up!


03/13/24 2:22 AM

#678203 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Said a prayer for you Smokey, a cancer diagnosis for self or a loved one is what brought many investors here. Its sad that real immune therapy treatment is still not available.
On another note you dont post often but your sincerity has always shone through.
All the best on your journey.


03/13/24 3:09 AM

#678205 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Best wishes and prayers for a full and speedy recovery and thank you for clearly expressing why treatments like DCVax are so important for patients !


03/13/24 4:35 AM

#678211 RE: Smokey21 #678034

prayers and strength my friend


03/13/24 7:34 PM

#678406 RE: Smokey21 #678034

Smokey, I wish you a full recovery! Stay strong and never give up!