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03/07/24 11:23 AM

#677021 RE: dennisdave #677018

Cryoport can help with distribution. Why reinvent the wheel.


03/07/24 11:29 AM

#677024 RE: dennisdave #677018

Come on DD. This is boiler plate risk stuff.

I agree with you conceptually, that NWBO isn't prepared to go it alone and I think it reasonably likely they get some sort of outside help/partnership/buyout within a year of approval.

But what you are posting isn't evidence of that. This isn't some new statement they just put in this 10K.

This same exact statement has been in the risk section of their financials for the past decade, at least. It hasn't changed, it's the same stuff.

Boiler plate CYA legal disclosures. Nothing more to it than that.


03/07/24 11:31 AM

#677027 RE: dennisdave #677018

"Folks, Flaskworks is dead........."



03/07/24 11:45 AM

#677034 RE: dennisdave #677018

IMO the right time to sell NWBO is not after MHRA approval but after NWBO’s DCvax products are properly validated for Tissue or Tumor Agnostic.

Selling after MHRA approval is too early.

You would not get the best value.



03/07/24 12:04 PM

#677051 RE: dennisdave #677018

Dennis - That is a stunning admission coming from the company. It flies in the face of LP's response to a question at an earlier ASM where she was asked about the prospects of a BO or Partnerships?She clearly minimized the challenges of GIA. It likely became clear, imo, that the best means of leveraging an otherwise weak negotiating position would be going with a franchise model. The extent of the challenges of GIA described by the company set the stage, and it's repeated use of the word "franchise" tells us the plan going forward imo.


03/07/24 12:55 PM

#677070 RE: dennisdave #677018

DD, I never thought that NWBO intended to market, manufacture, store, and distribute their products themselves. I see Advent doing that in the UK and perhaps elsewhere in Europe, and CRL eventually everywhere else. With the EDEN and trackable disposable cartridges they'll be able to track virtually every transaction, and they'll be in control as the EDEN's will be leased and maintained by them, but others will be doing the work and sharing the income for every batch of DCVax-L that's made.

Of course I've also previously mentioned that others could have EDEN's leased to them and their too the cassettes would track every new batch that was made. The EDEN is really the key to it all and once approved it can be utilized in the manner the company chooses.

Many here believe that in mass production the EDEN will cost less than $20,000 to make, if they're off by a factor of 5, IE $100,000, the sale of the first batch of DCVax-L should more than pay for it. At 50 or so batches a year it will be very profitable. I certainly can't say how much money NWBO will receive for each batch that's made, but in house they'll be doing very little work to get it done.

In the beginning I believe the demand will be far greater than the supply, so marketing will have more to do with scheduling the vaccine production than having to go into the field to sell the product. In time sufficient EDEN's and other equipment may be available to meet all demands, and a sales force may be desirable to increase production further, but by that time it will already be a blockbuster product many times over.

No doubt Advent will grow substantially, but CRL is already quite large, it will grow some, but should be able to easily handle what will be happening. I suspect that over time many CRL facilities will be making and handling DCVax-L rather than have everything come out of one of their many plants.

Of course this is my belief, it hasn't been contractually established. As for the Annual Report, it's loaded with statement on the problems the company could encounter, the SEC demands such language in every Annual Report, even from the most profitable corporations. In the case of production, etc. I don't believe they ever intended to do it all in house, but clearly if they did, it would be a major concern.

Let's get the UK approval, the EDEN approval, etc. then we can worry about all these other issues as we go for approval from all the other regulators.


The Danish Dude

03/07/24 3:14 PM

#677124 RE: dennisdave #677018

Which they also said in 2022.

When the f... are people learning about risk language and they write the same stuff year after years.

This board is a competition in hysterical fear mongering founded in ignorant fud.