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02/26/24 11:45 AM

#674726 RE: eagle8 #674648

Eagle- Smith on Stocks in his report, under Artisan, is 100 per month and 1200 annually- this is based on his understanding that buildout phase 1a was 50/mo and 1B brings 100 month or 1200 annually- maintenance requirements goes down to 1000 annually.
Intro of Eden’s at 12x is 12,000 annually. This ties to Bosch comment at asco and ramping to 1000 monthly based on 1a and 1B using Eden’s.
I am not buying that 1000 annual patients/batches using Artisan/Smith translates to 144,000 annually with Eden’s.
From the Bosch prez, 20% of the facility is in use.
My Sawston capacity,fully built out, is 60k annual patients( 12,000x 5).
New annual GBM cases in the EU and UK is about 24k- the UK portion is near 3k.
Clearly Sawston can handle nGBM and rGBM and grade 3 Gliomas.
I hope I’m very wrong and your 144k is correct
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02/26/24 11:47 AM

#674727 RE: eagle8 #674648

Eagle8, Is it 12K/yr or 144K/yr? It is a good question to hone in on.

When we get to the capacity question. I can answer that as well. Currently in the facility we can manufacture up to 50 treatments per month in 2 cleanrooms. And this can be scaled up to quite a large number for glioblastoma for up to 1,000 patients per month. - Bosch June 2022 ASCO

The reason why I believe Bosch is referring to manual systems, and therefore Flaskworks 12X step up translates into 144K/yr:

- NWBO has a manufacturing (manual system) license and approval to import and manufacture GMP cell products under the Specials program from the MHRA (12/21/2021 PR). Public discussion of mfg capacity should by default be within that context. If it is talking about future and not yet approved Flaskworks, then public statements needs to clear and qualified. Bosch didn't, so I believe he was talking about manual systems.

- The "can be scaled up to" should be referring to theoretically adding cleanrooms, manual system, up to the 90K sq ft Sawston facility. I did an internal calculation exercise using a 1,100 sq ft (100 sq meter) cleanroom, 40 cleanrooms, 25 patients/mo, equals 1,000 capacity for facility. That would equal 44K sq ft or exactly 50% of the 88,345 sq ft facility.

- Plus I provided, in my previous post, my double check reference with the Autolomous video of their systems, which shows the 144K/yr is conservative and has potential for upside.