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02/21/24 5:59 PM

#452402 RE: Joseph_K #452399

“I wish the company were more precise in matters like these.”

Missling specializes in being opaque. Clarity is his enemy. He prefers to leave everything he says open to interpretation. “I hope you’re as excited as we are” is just one example of many.

DOG bless,
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02/21/24 6:44 PM

#452405 RE: Joseph_K #452399

Subsequently the company said something about having no control over the peer-review process -- not "no control over the journal's timing of the publication date" -- which leads me to believe it hasn't yet been accepted.

If the full data hasn't even been accepted for peer review, then that pretty much, in my opinion, would indicate this whole peer review saga has been nothing more than an extraordinary delay/diversion. Let's hope this is not the case. This is another classic example of the lack of precision in AVXL's (Missling's) communications. I just finished re-reading the recorded transcript from the February conference call. Out of the dozens of similar calls that I have listened to over the past twenty-five years, that conference call was the most non-reassuring and confusing call of its kind. Missling's comments were off-point, vague, non-precise, and incomplete, thus causing no end to various interpretations. The frustration of the two participating analysts and their comments was so obvious with their repeated attempts to gain some clarity. Any time a call like that results in more questions than answers, there is an obvious problem. So is the problem one of incompetency/unprofessionalism or one of deceit?
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02/21/24 8:42 PM

#452417 RE: Joseph_K #452399

The company has no control over the publication date of a paper.
The editors of the journal can sit on the paper for a theme issue for example. The paper can be bumped for another hotter topic paper that comes to the publisher.

In general it is my understanding that the company will be notified when a paper is to be published in the up coming issue but that is it. Doc has experience with this process and can give us a more definitive answer.