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12/29/23 2:39 PM

#83898 RE: $Green$ #83896

Why are accident rates and death rates so high in Teslas? Why are tens of thousands of Teslas experiencing suspension failures seemingly randomly? Why do his batteries spontaneously combust and his robots go out of control and attack his workers?

I like the Optimus robots and know we need them but i also know those robots will go out of control and kill. Maybe their utility will exceed their damage, we shall see. They are better used to help move goods, clean disaster area, but should not be in peoples homes. The cars are not needed while the megapacks are but are also dangerous component because they spontaneously combust especially during the Russell-McPherron Effect in Spring & Fall.

SpaceX is the most important company to endure winter. Assuming enough gen 2 satellites can survive to maintain communication and starship is ready to move goods across the earth during destructive times. Mars colony is a con.

EM radiation from EVs, if ever they become mainstream, will help kill more than cigarettes. Especially the individuals with metal implants and even external metal like rings, earrings, other jewelry.

When EMFs activate VGCC, it causes a rapid buildup, negatively affecting the brain and possibly causing the onset of Alzheimer’s to speed up. Animal studies have demonstrated how EMF-induced changes in intracellular calcium levels play a role in the development of the most common form of dementia.

“EMFs act via peak electric and time varying magnetic forces at a nanosecond time scale,” explains study author and Washington State University Professor Martin L. Pall in a media release.

Pall adds that the peaks significantly grow with each increase in the pulse modulation coming from smartphones, smart meters, and even radar in self-driving vehicles