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12/24/23 12:18 PM

#658891 RE: exwannabe #658890

I was not a part of your bets, as I said. Was not paying attention, but those sound like past bets to me. What I saw was one large post listing names and virtually a whole day or few days of chatter of who all was betting as of now, about a week ago, that they would still get it done before the end of the year, not based on earlier in the year bets, but based on their last PR.

As I said, you are an active participant here. Virtually no posts go by about you that I have seen where you did not refute something that listed your name incorrectly. Those posts were up conspicuously, based not on the entire year, based on this last few weeks, listing various shorts and I saw none refute until they lost. They were based on the last PR and discussion of whether the application would even ever go in and if so, this year or next. Dow of you shorts were saying never, not just that it would not happen next year.

That’s a kind of taking advantage of circumstance to see if it goes their way. Posting past bets, claiming one thing when you were listed for another and did not oppose that you had agreed. And like I said, I never believed it anyway. But I think shorts allowed their names to be listed in that bet so that more longs would list their ID’s in the other side of the bet and had the year ended without application, not approval, different bet, then those same shorts would have held those bets over those longs. And the bet got juicy, you had longs like Flipper and Hoffmann and Danish….

It’s not selective memory. It’s a different bet entirely. Shorts lost so of course they “never agreed”, etc.


12/24/23 12:29 PM

#658895 RE: exwannabe #658890

Funny, how someone like yourself would know enough not to bet on whether maa would be submitted this year.

(For the record: I don’t think you entered the maa submission bet)


12/24/23 12:32 PM

#658896 RE: exwannabe #658890

Ex, yes or no question:

Does the current MAA submitted to the MHRA get approved (timeline doesn't matter).

Yes or no?