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11/16/23 7:01 AM

#647959 RE: Lykiri #646186

Glioblastoma - (DcVax-L) immunotherapy vaccine.
NEW UPDATE by Matthew Collins

Hi all,

Thank you so much for your donations and for helping me to reach the first milestone! The first three doses: the ‘Induction Phase’, will be paid for (£75,000) in the coming weeks so that I can begin DcVax-L treatment after Christmas, before my next six months of chemotherapy begins in mid-Jan 2024.

My next target is to get the next three doses - ‘Booster Phase’ financed by February, which sees me through to August 2024, by which point I’ll have, hopefully, raised £150,000 of my £250,000 target.

After August 2024, I’ll enter the ‘Maintenance Phase’, which will be an additional £50,000, and then after that, it’s the ‘Continued Maintenance Phase’ of £50,000 per annum, which hopefully sees me into 2025 and beyond!

From where I started, with a prognosis pre-operation of 2-3 months, this is something I could have only dreamt of. It was utterly terrifying to be given that news. And whilst 2-3 years isn’t a lot to most people, it is to someone in my position, so thank you for giving me a chance to live that bit longer.

I can’t ever repay you, but I will try to do it by making the most of every precious moment you have afforded me. I won’t waste a second, and I’ll continue, through my shame and embarrassment, to openly talk about my diagnosis, so that hopefully - and god forbid - if this should ever happen to you or your loved ones, you can spot the early warning signs and have a better outcome than me.

I wish you all good health and good fortune.

Look after yourselves and Stay Beautiful.
Matt x


Yesterday, I initiated the process with the clinic in London, led by Professor Ashkan, Professor of Neurosurgery at King’s College Hospital, who was the original trial lead for DcVax-L and who privately will be overseeing the development of my vaccination.