No, not what I am saying. It just takes time to get two sides to agree on the details, to get the books in order for the purchase, and then to get the government to do their job. Doc thinks it is coming very soon. He could very well be right. I hope it takes a little longer.
As for your second question, the stock was GRDO - GuardDog. When Sharp took over, he did it on a dare from the former CEO - Shaeffer. Shaeffer wasn't very good at his job - in way over his head. Stock was a shell when Sharp took over. The CEO before helped himself to shares but didn't earn them, so Sharp took them back. There were other shares that were not accounted for. If I remember correctly, Sharp recently worked out a deal to account for most of the remaining shares. I would guess that everything is now taken care of - short of maybe an audit.