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09/07/23 3:40 PM

#429679 RE: Anshu2 #429678

Lol. Funniest post of the month. AF is seen as a hack by legitimate Wall Street analysts. Having hedge funds buddies who short in conjunction with his hit pieces does not equate to credibility. It equates to manipulation.


09/07/23 7:27 PM

#429705 RE: Anshu2 #429678

Popularity and influence may be an 8/10. His credibility is far lower than that. He's had a few correct calls, rooting out fraud -- enough to help him build a following, but he's also had his share of bad picks, too. For a while he touted a theory that small-cap stocks do not stand a chance going into FDA approval meetings. I believe the exact number was 120 days before FDA decision, if a company wasn't worth at least $300 million it had no shot. Needless to say, nobody references the Feuerstein-Ratain theory anymore because it's bulls..t.

Sometimes he's right, sometime's he's not. Considering the failure rate of biotech he should be more right than wrong even if he did literally zero research and picked names at random.

His track record of late hasn't been very good, but it doesn't matter because he will never admit when he's wrong. Nobody is perfect, but he's like Trump in that he refuses to ever own to up to the times he got it wrong. It might be a useful trait for a politician but certainly not for a journalist. Retractions are a huge part of establishing credibility. Instead, he disappears for a while and re-emerges with a new P1/P2 target. That's his MO and it's not going to change. Anavex will be in his rear view the moment the FDA approves Blarcamesine for Rett. There'll be a few parting shots and then he'll be out of sight, out of mind. Just like Jean Fonteneau and Nathan Michaud and all the others who trashed the company during its infancy and haven't said a peep since.

Adam Feuerstein is an investment strategy. People know that if they subscribe to his newsletters, they may get access to potential short ideas. And then when he publishes his articles, most of the time the stocks go down. To date he's been trying to kill Anavex and has failed to do so. The company is not only surviving, but thriving. Whether that's because Blarcamesine works or Anavex has the most foolish shareholder base remains to be seen, but what I do know is that Adam Feuerstein has about as much influence over the FDA outcome as he has credibility among his peers.

Don't confuse credibility with popularity. Feuerstein will never be credible so long as he refuses to publicly admit when he's wrong.