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09/07/23 8:12 PM

#429709 RE: Gator328 #429705

It's mind-blowing how people can't see the obvious collusion behind AF's activities, when it's starring them in the face... wake up, people!

He's nothing but a paid short shill for the HF/MM collusive network that organize short attacks and ongoing price manipulation.
AF was a protégé of Cramer, who was a master manipulator. AF is a crooked form of "Bob Pisani" for the collusive network, spreading lies about whichever biotech they are targeting. People need to watch this...

AF doesn't believe most of what he posts, because it's all made-up lies to serve as hit pieces for the collusive HF network's manipulation plans... something they can point to when challenged. These people are organized crime.

Wake Up, everyone!


09/08/23 12:27 AM

#429715 RE: Gator328 #429705

Agreed— AF is more about being able to influence the market rather than scientific credibility. Scientifically, he doesn’t know or understand “much” — but he is certainly able to see red/orange flags quite easily and points them out immediately. Yes, he could be wrong n his skepticism —- but that’s not a bad thing. In investments, it’s better to be more skeptical than needed.