The 8K announcing the asset sale also mentioned (although did not name) a possible acquisition - there is a non binding LOI:
VERB is supposed to receive $5 million upon closing of the asset sale (another $ 1.5 million over the next 2 years in a payout provision).
As someone here pointed out when the asset sale was announced, what happens to the loan that advanced VERB money against future revenues? The pro-forma balance sheet shows that liability staying with VERB. I would think the sale of the only revenue generating asset would violate the terms of the loan agreement in which case the lender is going to want their money PRONTO. That's $ 1.3 million going out the door immediately.
And...the pro-forma income statement for the 1st quarter of 2023 shows that General & Administrative expenses, net of the disposition, was more than $ 2.5 million.
That $5 million cash infusion is going to be burned up quickly. How the hell is there going to be money left over to buy another company?