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08/03/23 4:33 PM

#105998 RE: TenKay #105930

re: "Here is my issue with your discussion on this. ... It appears you simply wanted to pick a fight with me… and didn’t like it when I wouldn’t turn away."

fwiw, this was my experience:

the subthread started when delerious1 asked a reasonable question:
"when will OTC market depth start to show all orders rather than just matched"
per the L2 delerious1 was accustomed to seeing on other tickers with active MMs.

i answered,
"afaik, there are currently no market makers trading MIKP"
and explained the ongoing broker/dealer matching,
why current bid/ask quotes don't reflect all open orders, etc...
in specific context of there being no market makers active in MIKP
in the role of making a market.

you replied,
"Broker/dealers (aka Market Makers) are trading MIKP.
They just can’t “make a market” in the stock because it is unsolicited quotes only."

knowing your market knowledge, i knew you knew the diff btwn
the roles of broker/dealers and exchange market makers,
so i inferred your "aka Market Makers" as muddling snark.

and apparently delerious1 read your post as snark, too,
per reply with monty python argument clinic sketch.

honestly, rereading it, i do see that it's possible
that you intended "aka Market Makers"
as a ref to the common misnomer on these boards.

but here's the thing:

you have a long-standing habit of talking down
to everyone on this board with snarky overtones
and ridiculing the explanations of others.

less so with my posts,
but i don't appreciate the attitude you smear on most here.

and delerious1's reaction indicates that i'm not the only one
who presumed your post above to be snarky,
given your habitual abrasive demeanor.

but here is my deeper issue with your discussion on this:

once the subthread got rolling,
it was obvious to me that you knew exactly what my points were,
but still proceeded to lecture me on terms
you knew i already understood
and was presenting accurately.

and you often spouted defensive nonsense
that i'm confident you knew was nonsense
at the time of posting.

viz, this gem, as a simple example:

[[ I used the phrase “broker/dealer aka market maker”…and was told they aren’t the same.
They are…and provided evidence as to how the SEC refers to “market makers”.
that was it.

imo, this defensive "explanation" is utter bullcookie.

first off,
the roles of dealers and market makers are not the same
in context of a discussion specifically about
the difference btwn matched trades amid spotty dealer bid/ask data
and depth-informing L2 market maker data.

you knew exactly what i meant re: "was told they aren’t the same"
because i had specifically spelled out
the distinctions btwn dealer and market maker roles
in the context of MIKP having no one currently providing
exchange-based market maker inventory/quote services.

and i know you knew full well the distinction
as well as why i was making it.

claiming "They are" at that stage of the convo,
after you clearly grokked the point i was aiming to make from the start
was conscious muddling mockery,
which reveals far more about you than me.

rather than contribute to raising awareness on the board
of the utility of active market makers
and the reality of current MIKP trading without them...

you chose to pretend that i didn't know what i was talking about
with your habitual demeanor of snarky arrogance.

the worst facet was your pretending
that i hadn't answered your "question,"
when everyone here, including you,
knew that i had answered it with precise detail.

thus, "thou dost protest too much, methinks."

which, sadly, is grimly apt in context of
your typical condescending mocking modus operandi on this board.

i get that you don't like mark, nor this ticker.
and, honestly, i'm fine with that.

mark's track record is concerning at best,
which i've stated countless times, myself, here,
based on 14 years tracking mark across multiple tickers.

and, personally, i much prefer forums balanced with
rational logical skepticism and dissection
over vapid frothy cheerleading fests.

and it's clear to me that you have
plenty of rational logical skepticism and insights
to offer to this board.

but equally clear to me that
your ego delights more in arrogant mockery
than compassionate education.

which is why everyone assumes the worst from your posts,
which, sadly, undermines your credibility
and the gifts of knowledge you could offer.

if you simply adopted a more compassionate tone,
readers would listen to you more
and like you more.

just food for thought.