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Poor Man -

07/30/23 10:32 PM

#615404 RE: VikingInvest #615402

I think Horse is more Einstein. Einstein was definitely not a dumbass in or outside of science.


07/31/23 4:06 AM

#615458 RE: VikingInvest #615402

Einstien wrote the letter to Roosevelt warning him that the NAZIs were working on the Atomic Bomb. That is why the Manhattan was named such. To save NY City from first NAZI strike. Later of couse Germany fell but Truman sèeng the utter distruction of Japanese Cities by constant day and night conventional bombing and the untold loss of life by a traditional seaborn invasion like at Okanowa on the Japanese Home Islands authorized the use the bombs on two smaller Cities. Many more Japanese died in conventional bombing in Toyko alone. If the War against Japan had not ended by the Martyrdom of Hiroshima and Nagasaki the whole of Japan and its wonderful culture would have been distroyed.. Instesd McAurther helped rebuild Japan as s peaceful indusrial power while George Marshall was rebuilding Europe and West Germany .
I wonder if we could not do that in Afganistan was because we did not try in