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07/07/23 11:24 AM

#607518 RE: hyperopia #607516



07/07/23 11:24 AM

#607519 RE: hyperopia #607516

Agree 100% with this sentiment. Good post.


07/07/23 11:41 AM

#607525 RE: hyperopia #607516

Why flipping out, you asked? Because by flipping out, they think they can flip once again for some pennies. Well someone even has the name flipper. I am right?

Back from vacation, so for me it's buying time again thanks partly to so many flippers, and "incompetent" Linda, let alone the naked short cabal, all combined for not giving me multiple millions of profit as early as I expected.

sigh but cheer

Poor Man -

07/07/23 12:37 PM

#607544 RE: hyperopia #607516

Hyperopia, this is almost the very definition of gas lighting. Telling shareholders they’re seeing something they’re in fact not seeing. Referring to random press releases and disclosures over the years is not evidence of a management team that’s fully engaged nor keeping shareholders properly informed in a timely manner.

Let this sink in — over three years there are only two occasions that management has engaged shareholders, referring to the the last two ASMs that were mostly prepared and shallows remarks that said very little. Nearly all public companies worth their salt would have held 12 conference calls with investors over the same period.

If I came home 6:00am in the morning smelling like liquor and cheap perfume, and my wife asked me where I was? And I answered: “Well I just came off the bus coming from the next town over and ate some jelly donuts along the way,” that all might be vey true. But hardly the full and important part of the story. Likely to end with my clubbing and eternity living on a sidewalk.

I will prepare a Midnight Post this evening.


07/07/23 12:41 PM

#607545 RE: hyperopia #607516

Look at quarterly guidances and reports of public companies . They are more than welcome to take it private


07/07/23 1:13 PM

#607558 RE: hyperopia #607516

People here are like a baby requiring to be bottle fed


07/07/23 3:10 PM

#607595 RE: hyperopia #607516

Hyperopia- I agree there’s one, one -time milestone left as indicated on Page 13 of the Q, but without identification.If you reference F29 in the K it spells out each one-time milestone.

However, I think there are no work streams left to complete because the MOA was defined as a one time milestone and work stream(Form 10K, Page F29, note (2).
So the MOA is workstream 6 and a one time milestone. Page 13 in the Q under restricted stock supports MOA as a workstream. For this to be true, Advent had to supply the MOA data for scientific analysis and as such constituted a workstream.

The above is covered under SOW 6 and this contract is covered by the Ancillary Services Agreement(ASA)—-the ASA expires this month…again F-29 in the K.
So there you have it.