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06/27/23 4:23 PM

#208678 RE: Huggy Bear #208674

going from board to board calling every pinky stock a scam is not discussing the stock. lol. whoever does that is a scammer themselves and should be called out on it without them being shielded by ihub's current lame posting rules.
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06/27/23 4:29 PM

#208680 RE: Huggy Bear #208674

I think the only alternative to increase revenue in order to stay afloat is for iHub to increase the amount for a paid subscription. But by how much would it need to be increased? Double? Triple? More?

iHub definitely appeals to a select audience, one that appreciates civility and all. But sadly, we don't cover the bills that need to be paid. So, it's either change or go the way of the dinosaur.
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06/27/23 4:33 PM

#208684 RE: Huggy Bear #208674

I’m with you brother. We’ve been going on about this change since Sunday. Shaj also made a good suggestion earlier, but I can’t find it in all the BS about mods.
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06/27/23 6:03 PM

#208753 RE: Huggy Bear #208674

"The TOS that Ihub currently has in place is the ONLY thing that separates Ihub from all the other sites "
And that's why other stock sites are growing while Ihub is slowing. Many people have left, or become non paying members due the their posts being constantly deleted, so they go where the rules give them liberty to verbally fight for what they have invested in. And yes that includes personal attacks.
You have some here, who get their kicks out of taking aim at others investments, who have risk their money to try and profit, while these " I'm just looking out for your interest" numbskulls post ad nauseum night and day attacking.
Well, if they say one little thing that offends or has some itty bitty reference to the "basher", they get their post deleted.
So, Ihub admin is smartening up and seeing that if they don't relax these TOS violations, people will just move on where they have more freedom to fight the "Concerned Carls and Karens", which makes them feel like at least they aren't shut out.
Now the new TOS has the basic guidelines to stay within, and definitely I am for keeping the PG-13 (PG would be better), but I digress. So gird up your loins and grow a thicker skin.
As you notice, it's a very few who are voicing strong opposition to this change, because they are the ones who are the greatest pests on the stock boards and don't want their egos challenged.
Plus this will reduce Admins jobs of these little pesky deletions that have to be reviewed constantly, so they can focus on the bigger fish.
This has been a needed change for a long, long time
Might even get Ihub growing again. (8>)