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06/01/23 11:14 AM

#409967 RE: Tatsumaki #409966

Tatsum, if I understand your post about where the drug is manufactured and if it's out of their domain they get annoyed if they can't control the source. IIRC Mochida will be the supplier China has no source as far as I know.


06/01/23 11:52 AM

#409975 RE: Tatsumaki #409966

Tat...Vaskepa is likely to be reimbursed in China, but probably at a lower price than the present price...It is in their patients' interest and in China's interest to have a reduction in CVD.


06/01/23 7:44 PM

#410036 RE: Tatsumaki #409966

Tatsumaki, Given the window for sales to begin in earnest for both China as well
as Europe to be open late this year (and/or early 2024,) would it not sense for an
"interested" BP to acquire AMRN before that window opens so they could better
control the marketing & distribution of Vascepa even before reimbursements are
granted? Granted, AMRN may have a shorter exclusivity period in China than
Europe, but the key would be for the BP to get control right from or very near the
start? In China one would think if a BP were to acquire AMRN they would "brand"
Vascepa in such a way as to build loyalty to that branded product and perhaps
keep a pricing advantage by being the largest producer of Vascepa on the planet.
If I were Denner I would absolutely attempt to get a BP involved that would look
at Vascepa as being a low-cost, high volume, "quality" medication with multiple
indications and eventually bring on-board a one-a-da version.


06/01/23 7:56 PM

#410037 RE: Tatsumaki #409966

So let me summarize for everyone.

The China approval is worthless.

Is that succinct enough?