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04/17/23 12:45 AM

#342613 RE: Russ777 #342612

And yet after 13+ years (SnL started in 2010), they still cannot make a profitable business from it, even with the UNAUDITED cooked books.


04/17/23 1:04 AM

#342614 RE: Russ777 #342612

Until SnL increased the cover charge 25%?


04/17/23 1:59 AM

#342615 RE: Russ777 #342612

THe owners of automobiles made by Packard and by Tucker (the handful of cars that were made) had rave reviews of them. Packard had a very strong customer loyalty for serial purchases. Both companies died.

Braniff, Eastern Airlines, and Pam Am were all fine flying experiences. They all went ~OUTT of business.

Just a smidge south of MIA (Missing-In-Action Miami International Airport) there was a Bennigans for a looong time. I ate there many times. It was right off the main drive of MIA airport amongst numerous hotels within blocks. I thought the food and service was fine, which is why I ate there many times. Until it closed down - because they could nott make a sustainable profit.

Business is ABOUT making a profit. Everything else is incidental. Shure, having happy customers is often a good feature, sometimes necessary, butt nott sufficient. There are many activities that can make people happy, butt if one cannot make a sustainable profit doing it, then the activity is a charity, nott a business. Best case a hobby.

Necessary condition butt nott sufficient.

If one sold 87 octane gasoline tomorrow for $1/gallon, they would have many happy customers. However if their best wholesale jobber price from which they bought the gasoline wholesale was $2.25/gal, then that "business" is nott viable. They will go broke butt at least they had happy customers.

And 13+ years and huge debts, unpaid taxes, court judgements,unpaid bills, and equity dilution later, that is exactly where SnL and AMFE/FUNN/FUNNQ wallows. DOWN 97.5 percent and watching that last 2.5 percent fade into the twilight.

There are many businesses that customers love - and they fail and go OOB (~OUTT- Of- Business).

I don't think people disliked Toys R'Us, Sports Authority, Luby's Cafeterias, or Lord & Taylor.

Those organizations simply could nott make a sustainable profit, regardless of how delighted their customers were.

In contradistinction, do you think people are delighted to shop at WalMart and have to scan their own Czech~OUTT and bag their own items? NO! Butt guess what, WalMart is very, very profitable.


04/17/23 12:09 PM

#342621 RE: Russ777 #342612

ZERO Proof of repeat customers - Most Customers Could Be One Timers

One suggestion is to close down 1-2 money losing Toronto S&L cafes - and create a situation where Demand is greater than supply. That way, you have 1 Toronto cafe headed towards being positive net profitable.

Yes, that's why people come back over and over and over. Great place to go to for a good time.