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02/18/23 10:39 AM

#204684 RE: rocketeer357 #204678

SAC doesn't care. The Mets are a tax deduction for him.


02/18/23 11:22 AM

#204688 RE: rocketeer357 #204678

That's the problem you made my case exactly, They don't even try, what is the difference between a 60 win team and a 73 win team who cares about competitive balance, Your okay with that. Once again, Ownership in the mets case the owner is ready to lose money to win. Versus these smaller market teams looking to book every penny of profits and not give and effort. And the big market teams are the bad guys, at least they are trying hard, what signal did the brewers do with Hader they let the team know that they gave up on the season. And than it fell apart right after. Shocking. What about what they did with burnes. These small market teams don't spend. There getting more money every year with all the tv deals yet there payrolls on these small market teams don't go up, they don't compete. They refuse to spend.

The payrolls are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too low in baseball in these smaller market teams. Almost every team will go over the luxury tax in basketball which is double or even triple some of these baseball teams. These smaller market teams have artficially low payrolls they whine about this and that, but I believe some of these teams have payrolls that are just absurd. These small market teams get there fans to buy in to this woe is me, they could spend another 40-50 million more in some cases or even more, but just choose not too in my opinion. With the response why bother? All is just my opinion of course.