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02/05/23 11:42 AM

#91867 RE: blackhawks #91865

There is a reason why the balloon took the path it did. The two bases I mentioned deploy our 2 main ground forces being Army and Marines.

They have both been designated as no fly zones for drones.

Flying drones in or on Fort Bragg is completely restricted.

I guess Chinese weather balloons are ok.

janice shell

02/05/23 5:31 PM

#91891 RE: blackhawks #91865

China screwed up and they are now losing their shit with pro-forma statements of condemnation of behavior that, if reversed, if inflicted on them, they would be defending as a proper response to an intrusion on their sovereignty.

In order to add substance to its insistence that the balloon just monitors the weather, the Chinese government has fired the director of its national weather service.

Poor guy.