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01/08/23 11:02 PM

#557873 RE: Doc logic #557845

I agree with you and I know that LP and LG have been really pissed off forever and are likely to be very focused on 'doing something about these MFers' with a broader and longer impact. So you know their main concerns and their likely path to pursue quite well, in all likelihood.

That having been said my viewpoint is totally economic and it can be seen this way: assuming dcvaxl is going be approved, the stock is hugely undervalued. If we have the opportunity to support NWBO by selling stock or through settlement with the very nasty dudes, at least at the $100M level just to throw a number out, settling now for $100M saves us $100M worth of dilution at this time where if the dcvaxl can be known to be going to be approved and the stock were fairly priced accordingly, we'd clearly be selling $100M worth of stock now which in the slightly longer term will be worth $400-500M, and in a say 2 year timeframe may be over $1B. Within this calculus there should be relatively strong motivation to take a near-term settlement even if fairly low, vs selling 100-150M shares when the stock is very drastically undervalued. Don't you think?

So there is that. But the company has to have plans for financing the next year or longer independent of anything but a 'quick-and-dirty-settlement', so we can assume they have a decent plan they are probably already executing behind closed doors, and I strongly suspect your view is quite correct and 'the guys' are very largely interested in getting their pound of flesh out of the short interests and their MM allies even if it takes a few years to get and doesn't help the balance sheet at all in the meantime. They obviously have assumptions about what to expect in term of stock appreciation as we make progress in getting better valuation due to progress in the business, vs how quickly they need how much more $ and what funding opportunities exist now and in the near future.

Anyway I'm just thinking out loud from a purely balance sheet-centered viewpoint including some speculation of how the stock might do as we progress. Of course there is also consideration of how successful we might be in lessening manipulation either with or without any settlement, which of course reflects back in a big way on how much if any the stock can be expected to appreciate in the near term.