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11/05/03 11:32 AM

#16716 RE: waverider #16713

the super-secret wave basher cabal

it's like the Free Masons... we're all out there running the world, faking moon landings, controlling currency fluctuations, starting wars, setting the Fed Funds rate, etc!

HhH has been here for months & months doing his cult comedy hour solo.

BF was here for a week or so positing an "efficient market theory" related to wavx decline as a possible early warning sign for ETS adoption rates & revs. he did so by himself.

CPA pops in and questions the financial shananigans & says he is attending the "special" shareholders meeting at some resort hotel in the Berkshires. nobody piles on.

i receive various alerts about Wave's competitors b/c i perform my own DD & take the theme of this board w/a grain of salt. i get an alert that RNBO has been brought into the TC fold by MSFT to help Bill develop a hardware "appliance" that will interoperate w/Longhorn.

Note that RNBO is assisting MSFT to build a device... it will be an MSFT device. ergo, MSFT entered the hardware security "space" yesterday. TCPA was disbanded to eliminate the MSFT veto & the US/USSR UN relations quagmire that it was becoming.

i posted concerns that there was a tectonic shift yesterday... some here say that the world is flat & never you mind about competition!

CL has apparently been quietly buying & YES he did post about RNBO in the past. so have i back on RB years & years ago.

the unfounded allegations that we are acting in conspiracy is an ATTACK.

Snack does permit alternative views & the extremist concrete poster types who accuse him of not permitting any such dialog are either mistaken or deliberately using a contorted "chilling effect" theory to push their views.

there has been ZERO coordination b/tw me & any other posters here.

maybe the coincidence is that RNBO announced that it was helping MSFT develop a hardware security device yesterday.

give & take -- it was MSFT's validation of hardware-based security that probably saved Wave years ago.


edit: 24 -- D&O acknowledged that i would get attacked for saying anything contrarian. you *know* he's right. you have accused me of "playing" sides, cm proclaims iggy, Doma says "love it or leave it!" what do you expect?!? anyone who stands up & raises doubts or asks questions about the lumpy rug in the middle of the room is excoriated.