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11/04/03 7:00 PM

#16596 RE: Doma #16593


i didn't miss it, but i also tend to be a bit skeptical about things spoken by corporate evangelists @ conferences, don't believe everything i read in print (e.g., Schloppy Sheng) & don't doubt that MSFT could say one thing today & miraculously change their collective mind (w/a wink of course) in a heartbeat.

quit asking me questions, The Simpsons are on in a few minutes!

everything must be cool since you say it isn't possible. btw, i was in Turkey recently & haggling is a big part of their culture... the vendors would often say a certain price was "impossible" only to change their mind as i started to walk away.

but hey, you say MSFT couldn't possibly usurp Wave in attestation (where in my mind the antitrust aspect is the most compelling reason they wouldn't), SO, i'll just take your word on it!

but you could be wrong...


11/04/03 7:29 PM

#16599 RE: Doma #16593


Hi... I admire your tech knowledge. Just answer me one question... please.

Your knowledge of this technology seems to be ultra-advanced, and yet you just joined ihub on July 27th before the Intel news.

This is just an observation... I am not attacking you. I am just curious about the timing aspect.

In all truth (and I have the guts to ask it and research it further if I feel it be necessary), are you yourself Steven Sprague or closely affiliated with the company? This not illegal to disclose because all of your posts have been technology related and not "Investment Recommendations" which are illegal unless you have a Series 7 license and fully disclose your interest in the security.

Again, this is NOT an attack which I know violate the TOS of ihub. I trust that you have a "scenario" in which you can demonstrate your interest in this company.

If I do not receive a response, I will have a very reserved attitude to your posts... and yes... I will ignore you.

If this message is deleted, I will never return to this board and sell the vast amount of shares I own in this security and advise my fellow investors to do so as well. This is not a threat... it is only a reality that investors must face... that this is not a viable business model for Wave and that all the press releases in the world will not gain market acceptance of this technology near-term. Therefore, any prudent investor would assume that since this technology will not be accepted near-term, competitors will enter the space and invent technologies that circumvent any patents which Wave may own.

I am coming out with this critique because I was just forced to sign an agreement with my broker which emphatically emphasized the fact that my trade was "Unsolicited." My broker is Lehman Brothers. I will have to take a loss, but it will off-set my gains in this bull market. I do not like a loss, but a bigger one is worse.
